
  • In 4 gemischten internationalen Gruppen arbeitend, haben wir während des internationalen Projekttreffens in Buxtehude folgende Unterrichtsszenarien bearbeitet:

    Englischstunde "Aids"



    action (What does the teacher do/ask/write on the board/show....)

    social form/media/



    8 minutes





    1.    Start the PowerPoint presentation (presentation-AIDS/HIV)

    2.    Show the slogan and make the students guess the topic of our lesson (If they need help show the hint.)

    3.    Play the video

    4.    Ask the question below and show the video again

    5.    Start and explain the quiz (True or False)

    6.    Read the first sentence and make them explain their answer. If they don’t give the right answer and explanation, show the solution.

    7.    Go through the next four questions in the same way.

    ·         Ask the students what the underlined words mean and if they don’t know them, explain them and write the new words on the board.

    revalent: widespread

    to transmit: To send from one person, thing, or place to another

    saliva: the liquid produced in your mouth to keep the mouth wet and to help to prepare food to be digested

    antiretroviral: used against the retrovirus, the virus that causes a serious disease that destroys the body's ability to fight infection.

    -       Power Point

    -       Internet  access   (Youtube)


    20 minutes


    working out of the main aspects of the topic










    1.    Hand out worksheet 1 “The HI-Virus in Europe & Africa” and have the students describe (task 1) and compare (task 2) the bar chart in class. Before students describe the bar chart, hand out the sheet “Language Help” and let someone read out the useful vocabulary to describe graphs and charts.

    2.    Write down the reasons students are suggesting on the blackboard (task 3).

    3.    Divide the class into six groups (about 4 students in each group) which will then work with different texts about different reasons (worksheet 2).

    4.    The students present the content of their texts to the class and verify them with their ideas that have been written on the blackboard.

    nutrition: food and the way it influences your health

    vulnerable: able to be easily physically, emotionally, or mentally hurt, influenced, or attacked

    crucial: extremely important or necessary

    (to) ward off: to prevent someone or something unpleasant from harming or coming close to you

    -       Language Help

    -       Worksheet 1 “The HI-Virus in Europe & Africa”, class discussion

    -       Worksheet 2 “Reasons for the risk of HIV infection”, group work


    17 minutes




    1.    Students stay in their groups. 3 groups will get the same task. Then they have to discuss their question or statement in groups. (time 5 minutes)

    2.    After the discussion 2 groups with different statements have to present their results in front of the class. Then the group will ask the class what they think about it.

    3.    The teacher will ask the whole class the last question:

    If someone in your class was HIV- infected, how would you react? (it’s also possible to make the students write a comment on that question as a homework; it’s the teacher’s decision)


    -       Worksheet 3 “Discussion”, group work, discussion in class


    Deutschstunde "Zivilisationskrankheiten/Krankheiten der 3. Welt"


    Vortrag in der Muttersprache "Hygiene"


    Outdoor-Spiel "Zugang zur medizinischen Versorgung"