Work abroad

  • Bożena Cudak - 18.11.2016 06:28

    Many people are working abroad today. Is ths the necessity, or just the adventure? 

    Klaudia Żmudzka - 20.11.2016 23:16

    High level of emigration by Weronika Bielec, Eleanor Rantanen, Roksana Smółka, Klaudia Żmudzka, VIII LO Kraków/Polen

    In Poland there are many well-developed universities, which give mainly theoretical knowledge. When students graduate they have no practical skills. It causes them to emigrate, because they have no chance to find a good job.

    2,3 million young people from Poland decided to leave their homeland and started working abroad. Because of this problem, the economy in our country is improving rather slowly. It is important to stop young people from leaving, because we lose educated and qualified employees. Also, more and more citizens retire and the number of people of working age decreases. Therefore, the state has a rising debt. What can we do to make the situation better? First of all, universities should provide students with more practical knowledge. Apprenticeship and internship would be appreciated by future employers. It would help young people to find a well-paid job without the necessity to emigrate. Moreover, in Poland unemployment rate reaches 8 percent. It is necessary to create  workplaces now to give Polish people an opportunity to have a good life and high earnings. It would encourage them to stay in their homeland and develop the economy.

    All things considered, the main cause of emigration is the lack of workplaces. Seldom do people see that at universities there is no focus on practical skills. If workplaces are created and universities change their way of education, more people will start working in Poland.

    Katarina Reinholdsson - 27.01.2017 12:06

    She has a good point by saying that the economy is improving slowly if you study abroad but on the other hand it is more interesting to study abroad because you learn the other language and share cultures. You get a better view of how people live in other countries. Additionally you get more open-minded and get a better understanding why people act how they do. With knowledge you could help and solve problems and other conflicts.