The all truth of Katyn The Soviet union admits to the crime... ?
In 1990 Soviet union admits to Katyn massacre
The Katyn massacre during the 2nd World War was shooting 21 768 Polish people in the back of the head by the Russians. Many things about this haven't been explained yet.
The important things about Katyn truth we heard on the fourteenth of October 1992. The president of Russia Borys Jelcyn gave the documents to president Lech Wałęsa concerning the whole thing that happened in Katyn.It was about the decicion of shooting the all Polish prisoners.
Investigation was stopped. In the next years no one has been punished.
Russia has disclosed 116 acts. It's possible that the rest of these acts will never be declassified - the Interfax agency informed.
Dominik Bigos
The police will replace the Citizens' Militia
On April 6, 1990, the services of the Citizens' Militia were changed to the Police. One of the biggest changes was the detachment of the police from the security apparatus and introduction as the overriding principle of apoliticality. The most important task for the new Police at the present time is equality of everyone in front of the law. The police will consist of the following types of services: criminal, investigative, preventive and supporting police in the organizational, logistic and technical areas.
The effect of this law will be to increase trust in the Police. This will be another step towards democracy. However, the stick has two ends. Police officers from the Citizens' Militia will work in the police. Many former commanders will only change "colors in their work", which may affect the development of corruption in our country. Not to mention police schools taken over by 'old date' teachers. It will be a very difficult time for democracy. Let's hope that the reform will bring us all for good.
Bartłomiej Krukurka
Jan Olszewski
The Council of Ministers under the leadership of prime minister Jan
Olszewski, was appointed on December 23, 1991, he was dismissed by the Sejm of the first term on June 4, 1992. "If I spoke this morning, the speech would be different. It would probably be longer, arguments would be appealing to others, I would probably talk about the start of this government, what difficulties we encountered, even to assess the existing state of affairs, how difficult it was to discipline public finances on elementary even after... It was a fragment of the last speech of Jan Olszewski on June 4, 1992. On June 4, 1992, President Lech Wałęsa submitted his own motion to dismiss Jan Olszewski from the post of prime minister. 273 deputies voted for yes, 119 were against and 33 deputies abstained. On the same day, Antoni
Macierewicz gave the presidents of all parliamentary clubs a list containing the names of ministers, deputies, senators and several high officials of the presidential office who were agents of the PRL service. Macierewicz's actions were the implementation of the lustration resolution adopted by the Sejm on May 28, 1992. The initiator of this act was Janusz Korwin-Mikke, who unexpectedly submitted a draft lustration resolution to the Sejm. It was accepted on the same day at his request. 186 MPs voted in favor of the resolution (KPN, ZChN, PC, NSZZ "Solidarność", PSL-PL, PChD, UPR), against 15, and 32 abstained (mainly SLD). UD deputies unsuccessfully tried to prevent the resolution from being taken by breaking the quorum. Lech Wałęsa with the pseudonym "Bolek" was among the most prominent politicians. The president Lech Walesa sent a letter about giving a vote of no confidence to Prime Minister Jan Olszewski. This appeal radically changed the composition of the political forces of the Third Polish Republic . Probably the post of the Prime Minister after Jan Olszewski will be taken over by Waldemar Pawlak from the Polish People's Party, whose parliament on the same day appointed him to the office of the prime minister. Bartłomiej Krukurka
Since the first of September religious education returns to schools.
An interview with the priest Jan Kowalski M:Christ is the King !
P:Always and everywhere !
M:What is your reaction to returning a religious education to school? P:In my opinion it s a good idea,but I think it was introduced too late.
M:How did it look before?
P:Before, the children and teenagers used to go to parish hall for some religious education classes .It I was in the evenings or on Saturdays.
M:Who taught then?
P:Usually rectors,priests or secular catechist.
M:Are you afraid of this change?
P:I'm afraid of two things,like always,when we think about changes.One of them is that children and teenegers will not participate in the holy mass.The second thing is that they will not have qualified catechists.
M:Do you see good sides of this situation?
P:Yes, of course.First ,teenagers will have unified learning program.We will know who goes to catechesis and who doesn't.Next everyone will give testimony of the faith.
M:How will catechesis look like now?
P:The catechesis wil start from the beginning of education to class 8, twice a week ( two hours).
M:Is participation in catechesis compulsory?
P:Generally ,yes, but if the parents or adult students submit declarations that they won't participate in religious education ,the school organizes ethics.
M:God bless you. Thank you for interview. P:With God.All the best! Szczepanek Michał
No prizes and no admiration
The 12th International Piano Competition of Frederic Chopin was held from 1-20
October. Undoubtedly, it is the most prestigious music competition organized in Poland and one of the most important in the world, gathering the most eminent jurors, very talented young pianists, closely watched and widely commented. This year, 110 pianists from 28 countries took part in it. It was the first Chopin Competition in history in which the jury did not award the first prize. The jury's decisions were very violent and multilateral. The competition was honored by two crowned heads: the Belgian queen Fabiola and the queen of Spain Zofia, who opened the concert. Even an unprecedented choice of up to seven pianos apparently did not help the pianists in creating convincing interpretations. Janusz Ekiert summarized this year's musical struggles: "The 12th Competition has passed without a demonstration of great delight, without great controversy. Youth did not choose their idol, the favorites did not ignite the imagination. In the Philharmonic it was difficult to see glittering eyes, remembered from previous competitions. Nobody in the audience fainted. " To sum up, Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competitions - as if it did not sound high-spirited - are one of the greatest national treasures of Polish culture.
Krzysztof Dziewit
On the 17th of December 1990 the government decided to end up the project and liquidate the power station . Objects that have been finished were left. Some parts of the equipment have been sold or scrapped.
Weronika Irla
Mieczysław Fogg - the icon of Polish song
Today we have got an amazing singer in our studio, the legend of Polish music - Mieczysław Fogg. -Good morning. Thank you for accepting our invitation . Can you tell us about beginnings of your career?
-Hello. Yeah I will tell you about it. It started in 1922. I was singing in the choir in St. Anne's church in Cracow. Then I went to learn singing to music school. I was singing also on weddings and funerals.
- Is it true that Your performance was transmitted by Polish television as first ?
-Yes , it is. It was on the 5th of October.
-What was Your career during the time of the second World War?
- I had concerts for polish viewers in restaurants. In 1944 before the Warsaw Uprising I worked as a waiter. I took part in the Warsaw Uprising as a soldier of Home Army .
-After war You had the café and the record label. What happened with them?
- Unluckily , both have been nationalized and they are closed.
-What are you doing now ? What are your plans on the future?
-Actually I am concerting , recording "The Favorite of Warsaw" and also I am planning a concert tour.
-Thank you for the interview and I wish you next successes in Your career. -Thank you. Goodbye.
Marcin Doroż
Great success on Eurovision - 1994
Poland at the Eurovision festival. This year's event was organized in Ireland. Poland was represented by a young singer Edyta Górniak. Although she was a
debutant, she did really well and took the second place.
But all this could have been ruined because of a small mistake during the rehearsal before the concert. She
sang an easier version of this song in English language.
Several teams that were competing in the Eurovision festival protested because, according to the rules of the competition, each artist had to sing a song in the
language of the country he or she was representing.
There was even talk of disqualification. A moment after the success of the song "It's not me!" another problem appeared. Joni Namieri Israeli singer accused the
authors of the hit of plagiarizing their own number from the 80s. However against all odds Edyta Górniak was successful!
Aleksandra Knap
A card from journalist‘s diary
tDecember 22nd, 1990
the presidential oath. Snow on the streets, but it did not bother me, and after an hour I was already at Wiejska Street near the Polish Parliament, Sejm. Entering, I saw many journalists. I could barely get through the crowd and stand in the front. Wałęsa and his wife, Danuta, entered the room. After 30 minutes Wałęsa gets up, raises his right hand and begins to say the words of the oath: "I stand before you as the first Polish president elected directly by the nation." This is the moment when the Third Republic of Poland begins officially. Nothing and no one can diminish this fact. "
After a few hours, I left and saw Lech Wałęsa getting in the car to go to the Royal Castle with the Minister of National Defense and the Polish Army's guard of honour. I quickly followed them. When I was approaching the castle, I noticed how Ryszard Kaczorowski gives Wałęsa the insignia of the presidential power of the Second Polish Republic. Tired, but extremely excited, I returned home and began to write an article about swearing Lech Wałęsa as president. I think I will send it to the editorial office tomorrow. I hope I will not miss any important detaisl of this great ceremony. It is 23:35. I'm going to sleep.
Sabina Taraszka
The 3rd May is again a national holiday in Poland!
During the partitions, the anniversary celebrations of the act could not be celebrated. In 1891, Jan Matejko exhibited his wonderful work - the painting called" 3rd May Constitution" in Lviv. The purpose of the painting was to decorate the wall in the Parliament of the Royal Castle in the future independent Poland. After the Second World War anniversary celebrations of the 3rd May Constitution were impossible. The priority was given to the Labor Day on May the 1st. In 1946, the participants of the ceremony were dispersed by the police. The same happened a year later. On the 6th of April 1990 the May 3 Constitution Day was celebrated again. This day refers to patriotic actions aimed at reforming the country.
Aleksandra Knap