Thanks to Mieszko Poland became a christian country.
The Baptism of Mieszko 1st set the whole history of Poland. Through its merits Poland adopted Christianity and became European.
REPORTER: Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Today we are hosting the archbishop Lammert, the head of the Catholic Church.
REPORTER: Dear father, could you tell us something more about this extraordinary event that we are celebrating today?
Archbishop Lammert: Dearly Beloved! Today we are celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Baptism of our magnificent motherland. Throughout the Holy Bible, our Lord Jesus Christ reminds us of the importance of telling about his wonderful works to all generations. I strongly believe that the gradual process of Christianization will establish a better sense of identity among our people in the future.
The baptism of the Duke Mieszko was one of the landmark events in the history of Poland and the Polish people. Many things we can only guess. The baptism took place probably on Holy Saturday - in accordance with the customary - at night of waiting for the Resurrection of the Lord. Archaeological findings suggest that it could take place on the island of Ostrow Lednicki, near the castle of Gniezno, the headquarters of the Piast dynasty. We found there a baptismal pool, which could easily fit a grown man. It is believed that together with the Duke his court was baptized.
What were the consequences of this act?
After the year of 966 education appeared in Poland. The clergy could read and write - they were useful in administration and diplomacy, but they also taught others. It enabled to promote the social strata, because the Church needed human resources. As a result, it began to take shape by the means education.
The monasteries copied the majority of religious books and writings of medieval authors, but also almost all known texts of ancient writers. Thanks to a painstaking job, especially the Benedictines and Cistercians, ancient texts have survived to our times.
The arrival of the Polish Dominicans, Cistercian and Benedictines also contributed to the raising of farming standard.
In Poland, an international language Latin appeared - as well as the ability to read and write. It strengthened the international position of Poland and increased its credibility in foreign contacts.
After the baptism priests started coming to us. In 968 Poland got the first Bishop - Jordan - and that was a huge achievement, as Bishop Jordan reported directly to Rome. The first Polish bishopric in Poznań was created in 968, then the entire scope covered the Polan state. In 1000, the territorial structure of the state had received a new church organization in the form of the Archbishopric of Gniezno.
Baptism also helped to protect the country against the forced Christianization from Germany.
Christianization created the opportunity for the coronation of the first Polish king. Thanks to that Boleslaw the Brave received approval for the coronation from the Pope John 19th. Sources of German origin clearly confirm that Boleslaw was crowned in 1025, taking advantage of the short interregnum in Germany after the death of Henry II. The coronation was a sign of the completion of the Polish state and the symbol of our independence. It meant that Poland was a politically independent country and at the same time strengthened the authority of the ruler. Therefore Boleslaw the Brave was elevated more than other members of the dynasty and ensured the integrity of the monarchy.
Such an extraordinary celebration gives individual members of our congregation the opportunity to stand together against all the enemies of the Holy Church. We certainly have been blessed by the Lord. May Lord reward you well for your devotion and holiness!
REPORTER: Thank you very much for answering my questions.