Croatian literacy
In the 11th century, Croatian literature and Croatian literacy are still at their beginnings. The oldest monuments of prose are epigraphs were written in Glagolitic alphabet.
Glagolitic alphabet, the old Slavic alphabet was created in the mid-9th century, and was kept in the Croatian regions until the 19th century. In the early 16th century, it became more and more repressed by Latin. The Author of Glagolitic alphabet was Cyril, Byzantine monk from Solun. Cyril (real name Konstantin) put together a customized letter based on the language of the Macedonian Slavs and translation of religious books.
Some of the monuments of Croatian literature written in Glagolitic alphabet are: Plomin inscription (11thcent.), Krk inscription (11thcent.), Valun table (11th cent.) and Baška table (the transition from the 11th cent. into 12th cent.).
For those who want to know more!
Plomin inscription is a Croatian Glagolitic inscription built into the outer wall of St. George’s church in Plomin. It depicts a man wearing an ancient dress, with a bough in his hand.
Krk inscription is one of the oldest Croatian Glagolitic epigraphs. The names of the Benedictine monastery builders are engraved in stone.
Valun table is bilingual and the inscription from the ledger was found on a cemetery in Valun, on the island of Cres.
Baška table is the old Croatian monument, written in a transitional form of the Glagolitic script. It was found in the St. Lucy’s church in Jurandvor, near Baška on the island of Krk.