- Good morning. Thank you that you found time to give an interview.
- Hello, it's my pleasure to talk to you.
- Please tell us something about yourself.
- Well, my childhood wasn’t easy ... I was born 2 August 1755 r. When I was two years old my mother Zofia died. I stayed with my two older sisters - Henryka i Aleksandra and my father – colonel Jan Henryk Dąbrowski. We lived in Osiek-Blonie near Warsaw, where my father had a royal farm. I didn’t enjoy much of my youth, because when I was 16 years old I joined the army at the cadet level.
- So you started as a teenager with the degree of a cadet, but became the Chief Commander of Polish army, how did it happen?
- Ten years after I joined the army in 1780, I got the rank of lieutenant, I was then on military service in Drezno, in in Saxon army, where my father served. I remember that there were few Poles.
- So you were in Saxon army, you worked with German soldiers and I know that you reluctantly accepted a proposal to join the Polish army.
- Yes it's true. I had been persuaded by the king Stanisław August Poniatowski before I agreed. In the end, however, I came back to the country and started the service as a lieutenant colonel.
- What happened after you returned to Poland?
- I took part in the Kościuszko uprising and after defence battle of Powązki I was honored the degree of a general.
- And the Polish Legions?
- It was an idea to rebuild the country. After long efforts, the talks with General Napoleon Bonaparte and various complications – on 9. 01.1779 finally we signed system of founding the Polish Legions in Milan, in Italy.
- You took an active part in many battles, thanks to which you deserved the title of supreme commander.
- Yes, I fought in the battles near Grudziadz or Radzyń. In 1812. I was appointed commander of one of its Polish divisions in the battle of Mohylewo and Borysowo, battles of Berezyna, Lipsko. After many of these battles I was commander in chief of the army of the Duchy of Warsaw.
- How each person in addition to the life you have a private life ... wife, children.
- When I was 21 years old I met my first wife –Gustawa Małgorzata Henryka von Rackel, we were married on 28 March 1780. We lived in Lubben. Unfortunately, my father died a year before our wedding. Shortly after my wife passed away.5 November 1807, I married again with Barbara Chłapowska.
- What about the children?
- I have four children – Jan Michał, Bronisław, Karolina and Bogusława.
- You have any hobbies or interests?
- I haven’t too much time at my own leisure. I focused on the family and service to country.
- Thank you for your time. Goodbye.
- I also thank you, goodbye.
Magdalena Cebulak