1st year activities (2015/16)
Articles in the March and May editions of the local monthy magazine 'Pivški list'
http://www.pivka.si/obcinskoctivo/1246 (stran 23)–longer article by poject coordinator
http://www.pivka.si/obcinskoctivo/2436 (stran 28, 26) – shorter article by project coordinator with two other articles written by the parents of the host families and one written by the 5.A class teacher.
A video of the Culture Day programme at Osnovna šola Pivka with interview of all participating coordinators prepared for TV Pivka
A Short presentation of the visit in Slovenia on the school website written by the students from the media circle.
As mentor I shared the project ideas with the student from the Pedagogical Institute that I was tutoring and mentoring from March – May 2016. I gave her as much project material as possible to add to her portfolio, which was then sent to her mentor at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana.
I sent an email to Mr. Matic Pavlič, head of the organization team for 2016 of the annual Slovenian project 'A Night in the Library' about the activities that we prepared at our school, who in turn sent an email thanking us for participating and getting foreign students involved, something that has not yet been done in Slovenia.
I participated in a workshop on school leadership organized by the the Pedagogical Institute in Koper. The Faculty is also involved in an Erazmus+ project entitled

and the main theme delt with in the workshop also included entrepreneurship in education, one of the sub-themes that we will be dealing with in our Intellectual Outputs. I had the opportunity to present our project to the group.