The Ogiński Canal – the most modern waterway is opened!

The Ogiński Canal has just been built. Its construction started in 1765 (18 years ago). It is one of the biggest successes of the Polish technique. A great Lithuanian hetman is the initiator of the construction. His name is Casimir Ogiński. He is one of the most educated magnates. His goal is economic and cultural revival of one of eastern regions of Poland: Polesie. The canal connects two rivers: Niemen and Dniepr as well as two seas: the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea. The canal is 46 km long, twelve to eighteen meters wide and it has side canals of 80 meters. Its depth is up to 1,5 meter. The rivers: Jasiolda, Prypec and Szczara serve to create easy communication system in the eastern parts of Poland. Many water gates level water on this canal. The main administration office in the city of Telechany is owned by the prince Ogiński. A seaport and a shipyard are built in Telechany to developpe this city. Pińsk is the biggest river port on this modern waterway. Come and start your voyage in Pińsk, it is possible now!

Pińsk, November 1783.
Szymon Polak, Albert Wieczerzak.