This colossal bell was moulded in 1520 in Cracow, by Hans Behem, who lived in Norymberg. The bell was hanged up 9 July 1521 on old defensive tower in royal castle situated on Wawel's hill. The tower became rebuildted and lifted. The Citizens of Kraków heard the Zygmunt Bell's sound for the first time on 13th of July 1521. The bell was founded by Zygmunt the First calles old who dedicated it " not only to God, but to glory of the Jagiellonian's family and Polish Kingdom. Captivity at time, the ball became one of the most important national symbol. At the top, you can see a latin inscription: " Dedicated to the Great and Holy God as well as to the vergin mother of God and the Holy Patrons, this Bell reflects thr greatness of its founder- Zygmunt the King of Polandin 1520. Below there some im ages of Stanislaw and Saint Zygmunt, and the ablazon of the Both United Nations of Polish Country. Nice heart hanging gothic's inside the cup's.

Lengnth heart's - 220 cm
From bronze 9,650 kg
Heart with waistband 365kg
All weight bell 12600kg
According to legend , bursting hearts bell heralds bad times for Polish , and according to popular superstition, touching the heart brings good luck . Legend has it that as long as the bell hanging on the tower, nothing bad will meet in Krakow.
Aleksandra Wrzesień