Assault course
The assault course consisted of high walls, overhand bars, cargo nets, balance beams and jumps. In mixed nationality team events, students had to get everyone as a team across it without touching the ground! The only things you can us are the planks of wood they were given
Crate Stacking
Working in mixed national groups on a rope, students build a tower of crates as high as possible - it was all about teamwork! Great to see the Norwegian and Dutch girls really produced a great tower,
This was a fun team building game needing good communication skills and planning which was done in pairs.
Problem Solving
Students were set number of problem solving tasks around the grounds. They were used as team builders and our students really had a good laugh!
Examples were 3D Spider's Web, Plank swing, Tree traverse, Tube dash, Sling dash, Log lift, Grass skis, Water Pipes.