The last card of Andrzej Bobola's diary
15th May 1657
Dear diary,
It's 15th May, 10 o'clock. Pinsk is taken by a Cossak division by the command of Jan Tichy. I together with Maffon are the most threatened because we' re priests and Cossaks don't like Christians. We are leaving the town in a hurry. We're afraid of it. We have to hide in the surrounding villages. We're scared every day. Maffon is caught in the Horodec by the Zieleniecki squad and martyred at once. When I find out about it, it takes my breath away. I don't know what I should do. I decide to escape. I with the help of good people I take refuge in Janow (30 kilometers from Pinsk). I'm hungry and thirsty, but I can't think about it now. From Janow I go to the village of Peredil. On 16th May troops entered Janow and murder Poles and Jews. They ask about me. When they find out I'm in Peredil they take with them Jakub Czetwerynka guide. At the request of the villagers, who find out that I'm wanted, I escape in a borrowed cart . When I arrive to Mogilno I meet a squad of soldiers.
Sylwia Pietrzycka