OSNOVNA ŠOLA SLOVENIA - 18th – 24th April, 2016
13 out of the 14 foreign teachers from the participating countries ITALY, NORWAY, the UK, the NETHERLANDS, POLAND, CROATIA and SPAIN took part in the evaluation questionnaire.
- Circle which of the following events or activities you enjoyed the most during your visit at our school.
- Library activities on reading strategies - 4 teachers
- Teaching reading / learning strategies to children of migrant backgrounds
6 teachers
- The Culture Day workshops - 3 teachers
(Circle the workshop you participated in for most of the time):
Ancient writings Getting to know each countey's anthems
Children's games Culinary workshop Silhouette portraits
Music workshop (choir) Technikcal workshop
Matilda's characters through art Stories come alive in the library
Dance workshop
- The main aim of the Culture Day workshops was for the students to practice reading and understanding instructions independently. Was this aim achieved in the workshops that you attended?
- Yes, absolutely - 6 teachers
- Yes, most of the time - 7 teachers
- Not often /
- Never /
- When students become autonomous in their work, teachers go from being the only source of information and knowledge to mentors and advisors. Did you feel this transition in the workshops you attended on Culture Day? In which workshop was it the most evident?
Culinary workshop, music workshop, technical workshop, ancient writings, dance w.
- The Night in the library activities
- The Matilda workshop – changing the ending of the story
- Dictionary workshop – expanding vocabulary
- Metaphorical drawings workshop – figurative vs literal meaning
- Telephone dictation – group learning and team work
- The Treasure Hunt
Even though the Night in the library activities only lasted 30 minutes each, we wanted to show the students some of the things that can be done to make reading fun and enjoyable and at the same time educational. It also gave them the opportunity to get to know each others' reading habits. In your opinion was this aim achieved?
- Yes 13 teachers b. No /
Please, clarify your answer:
There was a lot of work going on in each workshop. Students were having fun and learning at the same time. The workshops were very inspirational.
- In your opinion into which subject areas could similar activities be incorporated at your school?
Subject area: foreign languages, art classes, history, geography, dance, drama
- As a teacher have you ever experienced a night in the library before coming to Slovenia?
- Yes - /
- No - 13 teachers
- Do you think similar activities could be used to raise reading appreciation especially with students with reading / learning problems?
- Yes - 13 teachers b. No /
- Would you recommend 'A night in the library' to your colleagues?
- Yes - 9 teachers
- No - 1 teacher
- Maybe - 3 teachers
- What did you know about Slovenia before coming here?
Most teachers didn't know anything or very little about Slovenia before visiting it. Some still linked it to the former Yugoslav Republic. They knew very little about the Slovenian culture and its natural beauty.
- Which place of the ones visited in Slovenia made the best impression on you?
The answers were very diverse. The two places most frequently mentioned were the Postojna Cave and Planica.
- What would you suggest or change for the next meeting.
Some suggestions for the next meeting with students:
- Students should always be put in groups of different nationalities
- The activities should be evenly spread over the entire week
- Not too many activities per day
Six out of the thirteen foreign teachers who participated in the questionnaire enjoyed the workshop on teaching reading / learning strategies to children of migrant backgrounds very much. Seven of them agreed that the main aim during Culture Day of the students practising reading and understanding instructions independently was achieved most of the time while six of them thought that the aim was achieved to the fullest.
Even though none of them had ever experienced an event like 'A night in the library' before coming to Slovenia, they all agreed that it had a lot of potential in motivating students to appreciate reading and make it fun and educational at the same time. Using group strategies to motivate the students, such as changing the ending of the story and making it their own; expanding vocabulary from the book; figurative vs literal meaning in a person's name to describe his/her character for a better understanding of the book; group learning and team work when working with the facts of a story or the chronological order of events, was a good way to approach reading. This not only gave the students the opportunity to get to know each others' reading habits, but could raised reading appreciation among those students who have reading / learning problems.
As teachers they feel that similar motivational activities could be incorporated in their schools in the fields of foreign languages, art classes, history, geography, dance and drama, and would be willing to try them. Nine teachers would even recommend similar activities to their colleagues.