During the life time of the project The Bridge a number of study visits took place. Some where full blown exchanges involving the entire project and some were smaller scale exchanges involves two or three members of the project. By clicking on the country you can see the events that took place during these exchanges and the ouputs created.
Leonardo Da Vinci hosted a staff training event ;
Jac P Thijsse College, Lycee LGT Dupleix, Osnovna Sola Pivka IIS Alfonso Maria de Liguori. Zespol Szkol Budowlanych
Jac P Thijsse College hosted a staff training event ;
Lycee LGT Dupleix, Osnovna Sola Pivka IIS Alfonso Maria de Liguori Leonardo Da Vinci, Zespol Szkol Budowlanych
Shotton Hall hosted a short term exchange of a group of students from
Osnovna Sola Pivka IIS Alfonso Maria de Liguori Leonardo Da Vinci, Jac P Thijsse College, Osnovna Scola Podrute, Tranevagagen Ungdomsskule, Zespol Szkol Budowlanych
Osnovna Sola Pivka hosted a short term exchange of a group of students from
Academy at Shotton Hall, IIS Alfonso Maria de Liguori Leonardo Da Vinci, Jac P Thijsse College, Osnovna Scola Podrute, Tranevagagen Ungdomsskule, Zespol Szkol Budowlanych.
Osnovna Skola Podrute hosted a short term exchange of a group of students from
Academy at Shotton Hall, IIS Alfonso Maria de Liguori Leonardo Da Vinci, Jac P Thijsse College, Tranevagagen Ungdomsskule, Zespol Szkol Budowlanych.Osnovna Sola Pivka
Short term Study Visit C6 star school 2
Academy at Shotton Hall hosted a short term exchange of a group of students from
IIS Alfonso Maria de Liguori Leonardo Da Vinci, Jac P Thijsse College, Osnovna Scola Podrute, Tranevagagen Ungdomsskule, Zespol Szkol Budowlanych.Osnovna Sola Pivka.
Short term Study Visit C7 Flipping the Classroom.
Tranevagagen Ungdomsskule hosted a short term exchange of a group of students from
IIS Alfonso Maria de Liguori Leonardo Da Vinci, Jac P Thijsse College, Osnovna Scola Podrute, Academy at Shotton Hall, Zespol Szkol Budowlanych.Osnovna Sola Pivka.
Short term Study Visit C8 Cross Curricular Language
IIS Alfonso Maria de Liguori hosted a staff training event for teachers from
Leonardo Da Vinci, Jac P Thijsse College, Osnovna Scola Podrute, Academy at Shotton Hall, Zespol Szkol Budowlanych.Osnovna Sola Pivka and Academy at Shotton Hall.
IES Leonardo da Vinci hosted a visit of students from Jac P Thijsse College, Academy at Shotton Hall, Zespol Szkol Budowlanych.Osnovna Sola Pivka and IIS Alfonso Maria de Liguori
Short term exchange of Students C10 Bilateral Supporting CLIL
IES Leonardo da Vinci hosted a visit of students from Jac P Thijsse College
Academy at Shotton Hall hosted a visit from students from Osnovna Scola Podrute with a view of developing Geography field work with a focus on tourism
Short term exchange of Students C12 A night in the Library
Osnovna Sola Pivka hosted a visit from students from
Academy at Shotton Hall IIS Alfonso Maria de Liguori Leonardo Da Vinci, Jac P Thijsse College, Osnovna Scola Podrute, Tranevagagen Ungdomsskule, Zespol Szkol Budowlanych.Osnovna Sola Pivka. with a view of developing literacy skills
A Bilateral exchange between Italian and Polish Schools to explore job prospects, interview techniques, job applications and career guidance
Short term exchange of Students C14 Drama as a Teaching Tool
A bilateral exchange between the French and English School to share Drama performances and expertise
Short term exchange of Students C15 CLIL in the Classroom.
A bilateral exchange between the Dutch and Spanish School to share expertise in CLIL
Short term exchange of Students C16 CLIL in the Classroom.
A bilateral exchange between the Dutch and Spanish School to share expertise in CLIL
A trilateral exchange between students from Osnovna Scola Pivka, Osnovna Scola Podrute and Tranevagagen Ungdomsskule with a view of encouraging students at risk from early exit from Education to engage with literacy
in Slovenia
in Croatia
In Norway