SPAIN, 18th-24th JANUARY, 2016
Students and teachers from Italy, The Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia and France visited our bilingual groups at Leonardo da Vinci School, in Albacete (Spain), to learn and share experiences about CLIL. Whereas the 25 guest students and their Spanish hosts attended our CLIL lessons in English as well as some non-CLIL lessons in Spanish, the 9 guest teachers attended a CLIL methodology workshop with colleagues form other local schools and also had the opportunity to watch and/or deliver CLIL during Geography, History, PE, Technology and Science lessons in collaboration with their Spanish peers.
The week was very productive and we did many more activities: fair of countries to learn things about each other • learning how to make our own soap • video conference with Poland • workshop on Spanish survival sentences to be used later in a real context • tasting Spanish food • visit around Albacete • trip to Alcalá del Júcar • evaluation session of the activities done during the meeting by means of a questionnaire as well as informal debates and discussions.
The experience was great for everyone, but it was particularly remarkable for IES Leonardo da Vinci, not only because the whole school got involved, but also because the Head of Education from our Regional Government visited us and exchanged a few words with our guests.
Definitely, a memorable experience!
Now here's a video report of the meeting. Enjoy it :))