Modul – školske novine učenika Industrijske strojarske škole
Učenici novinarske sekcije Industrijske strojarske škole iz Zagreba i ove godine objavili su školske novine “Modul” namijenjene svim sadašnjim i bivšim učenicima, prijateljima škole kao i učenicima osmih razreda čiji odabir će biti baš njihova škola. Novinari Industrijske strojarske škole, od kojih su mnogi članovi eTwinning projekta „The green changemakers“ opisali su događanja koja su obilježila nastavnu godinu 2021./2022. pa tako i svoje sudjelovanje u eTwinning projektu. Nastavnica Hrvatskoga jezika prof. Iva Bojčić, osim što je članica eTwinning projekta The green changemakers“, već nekoliko godina voditeljica je novinarske sekcije koju je zamislila i ostvarila kao učeničku platformu za vježbanje novinarstva. Prof. Bojčić vrijedno i kreativno organizira i usmjerava novinarski tim te ih je okupljala tijekom cijele nastavne godine. Ističe da se uvijek iznova pokazuje da su učenici savjesni, dosljedni, inovativni, željni novih izazova i da se na njih može računati. Prof. Bojčić s ponosom ističe da je zadovoljna rezultatom zajedničkog rada, podrškom uređivačkog odbora među kojima su i nastavnici eTwinneri Josip Filić, Ivana Macan i Kristinka Lemaić te sjajnim kritikama čitatelja. Interaktivan i suradnički odnos novinarske sekcije najbolje je opisao glavni urednik školskih novina eTwinner Dino Badić učenik 2.e razreda u zanimanju instalater grijanja i klimatizacije koji se čitateljstvu obratio riječima: „Stigao je novi broj školskih novina u ovoj, po mnogočemu, vrlo izazovnoj, nepredvidivoj, ali i zanimljivoj školskoj godini. Iza nas je više od godinu dana protkanih novim, do sada nezamislivim i nepoznatim izazovima te pomiješanim emocijama. Međutim, iako je i ova nastavna godina bila specifična, imamo puno toga za pokazati. Cjelokupna situacija vezana uz koronu nije nas obeshrabrila, možda malo usporila, ali nikako demotivirala. I dalje smo se družili, češće u živo, malo virtualnim putem, ali naši su novinari i članovi uredničkog odbora bez obzira na sve bili vrijedni i inspirativni. Stoga vam i u ovom broju školskih novina donosimo pregled uspjeha talentiranih sportaša, inovatora ili pak ljubitelja dobre knjige. Svatko se pronašao u nečemu, a ako još nije, samo je pitanje trenutka kada će. Jer mogućnosti je stvarno puno, kao i prilika za širenje vidika koji nam se pružaju u ovoj školi. Više o svemu navedenome pročitajte u novinama. Nadamo se da ćete uživati, kao i mi kada smo ih stvarali :).“ Novi broj “Modula” moguće je pogledati ovdje.
Module - school newspaper for students of Industrial Engineering School
Students of the journalism section of Industrial Engineering Schoolfrom Zagreb once again published the school newspaper "Modul" intended for all current and former students, friends of the school and eighth grade students whose choice will be their school. Journalists from Industrial Engineering School, many of whom are members of the eTwinning project "The green changemakers", described the events that marked the school year 2021/2022. and thus its participation in the eTwinning project. Croatian language teacher prof. Iva Bojčić, in addition to being a member of the eTwinning project The green changemakers ”, has been the head of the journalism section for several years, which she conceived and realized as a student platform for practicing journalism. Prof. Bojčić diligently and creatively organizes and directs the journalistic team and gathered them throughout the school year. He points out that it is always shown that students are conscientious, consistent, innovative, eager for new challenges and that they can be counted on. Prof. Bojčić is proud to point out that she is satisfied with the result of the joint work, the support of the editorial board and the great reviews from readers. The interactive and collaborative attitude of the journalism section was best described by the editor-in-chief of the eTwinner school newspaper Dino Badić, a 2nd grade student in the profession of heating and air conditioning installer, who addressed the readers with the words: “A new issue of school newspapers has arrived , but also an interesting school year. Behind us are more than a year interwoven with new, hitherto unimaginable and unknown challenges and mixed emotions. However, even though this school year was specific, we have a lot to show. The whole corona situation did not discourage us, perhaps slowed us down a bit, but in no way demotivated us. We continued to socialize, more often live, in a bit of a virtual way, but our journalists and members of the editorial board were diligent and inspiring no matter what. Therefore, in this issue of the school newspaper, we bring you an overview of the success of talented athletes, innovators or fans of a good book. Everyone has found themselves in something, and if they haven’t yet, it’s only a matter of time before they will. Because the possibilities are really many, as well as the opportunity to expand the horizons that are provided to us in this school. Read more about all of the above in the newspaper. We hope you enjoy it, as we did when we created them :) The new issue of "Module" can be viewed here.