Stvoreni uradci: 4.aktivnost/Created works:4. activity

  • Karmirgyugh, Armenia 


    Within the framework of the Media Literacy Week, the students of Karmirgyugh N1 secondary school visited the TV studio. Arpik Kakoyan presented the activities of the studio և information about media literacy. The next visit took place in the editorial office of "Geghama Ashkharh" newspaper of the RA Gegharkunik regional administration.


    Industrijska strojarska škola, Zagreb

    Luka, Karlo i Nikola izradili su video "Pet pravila za sigurniji internet". Pogledajte i primijenite. :)  Učenici su koristili PowerPoint.

    U ovom dobu obilježenom pandemijom, fizičkim distanciranjem i izolacijom, komuniciranje i suradnja putem elektroničkih uređaja pokazala se od velike pomoći u održavanju socijalnih odnosa svih generacija. Jednako tako, internet se u doba koronavirusa pokazao kao neizbježan alat.

    No, uz brojne dobre i korisne strane, internet nosi i moguće opasnosti. Stoga je upravo sada, važnije no ikada, educirati djecu i mlade kako sigurno ploviti internetskim prostranstvima.


    Dino, Niko, Zvonimir, Fran, Ivan i Juraj koristili su Canva tutorijal objavljen u okviru eTwinning projekta te su izradili svoj prvi uradak.

    Prekomjerno korištenje društvenih mreža, izloženost lažnim vijestima i zamkama, ovisnosti o likeovima i računalnim igrama, nasilje na internetu putem modernih tehnologija, razne prijevare poput krađe identiteta ili prisvajanja osobnih sadržaja i kršenje autorskih prava, potencijalne su opasnosti o kojima je nužno educirati djecu i mlade kako bi mogli preventivno djelovati i sa sigurnošću koristiti sve dobrobiti kojima internetski prostor obiluje.


    Yunus Emre Anadolu Lisesi Bingöl / TURKEY

    Yunus Emre Anatolian High School students designed cartoons about internet safety and eTwinning ethics from their own avatars using the Comica web2 tool.

    My students turned their avatars, which they created with bitmoji web2 tool, into cartoons with comica web2 tool, and we turned all our work in this activity into a presentation with canva web2 tool.
    You can view our canva link from the link below.


    the green changemarkers/internet security - Hülya Buyankara


    Yunus Emre Anatolian High School teacher Hülya BUYANKARA prepared a presentation for our project members on internet safety and eTwinning ethics using the renderforest web2 tool.


    Gimnazija Vukovar


    Lucija, Mihajlo, Matej, Nika i Lara izradili su prezentaciju u MS PowerPointu koju su pretvorili u video zapis u sklopu teme e-sigurnost pod nazivom „Stvorimo bolji Internet zajedno“. Video zapis sadrži sadržaje vezane za pozitivne strane i prednosti interneta, fenomen društvenih mreža, negativne strane interneta s posebnim naglaskom na Cyberbullying te savjete za zaštitu privatnosti i osiguravanje sigurnosti na internetu uz poštivanje Internet bontona.

    Lucija, Mihajlo, Matej, Nika and Lara created a presentation in MS PowerPoint that they turned into a video as part of an e-security topic called "Let's create a better Internet together." The video contains content related to the positives and benefits of the Internet, the phenomenon of social networks, the negative side of the Internet with special emphasis on Cyberbullying, and tips for protecting privacy and ensuring security on the Internet while respecting Internet etiquette.


    Intelektualno vlasništvo - autorska prava i CC licencije

    Anamarija, Dora, Magdalena i Ivana izradile su animirani video na temu Intelektualno vlasništvo - autorska prava i CC licencije. Kroz video zapis, pojasnile su nam pojam i značenje autorskog prava te vrste CC licencija. Animirani video zapis izradile su u alatu Animaker, no za potrebe objave u Twinspace-u, video zapis je iz .mov datoteke konvertiran u .mp4 datoteku i objavljen pomoću alata Vimeo.

    Anamarija, Dora, Magdalena and Ivana created an animated video on the theme Intellectual Property - Copyright and CC Licenses. Through video, they explained to us the concept and meaning of copyright of this type of CC licenses. They created the animated video in the Animaker tool, but for the purpose of being published in Twinspace, the video was converted from .mov file to .mp4 file and published using the Vimeo tool.

    e-sigurnost – Zaštita sigurnosti djece na internetu i u svijetu mrežnih tehnologija

    E-knjiga pod nazivom: e-sigurnost – Zaštita sigurnosti djece na internetu i u svijetu mrežnih tehnologija, nastala je kao rezultat eTwinningovog projekta "The green changemakers". Autorice e-knjige: Katarina, Lara, Ema, Kiara, Dora i Blanka, uz pomoć profesorice Sanje Pavlović Šijanović,  predstavile su opasnosti s kojima se susrećemo u svijetu mrežnih tehnologija te su predložile savjete kako ostati siguran na internetu.  E-knjiga izrađena je u alatu Flipsnack i može joj se pristupiti putem poveznice

    An e-book titled: e-security – Protecting the safety of children online and in the world of network technologies, was created as a result of eTwinning's project "The green changemakers".  The authors of the e-book: Katarina, Lara, Ema, Kiara, Dora and Blanka, with the help of Professor Sanja Pavlović Šijanović, presented the dangers we face in the world of network technologies and proposed advice on how to stay safe on the Internet.  The e-book is created in Flipsnack and can be accessed via the link



    The Internet is not just a computer network but also a large informal community of people with their own code of conduct. Culture behavior is not something we are born with, but something we acquire through upbringing. That is why students Erika Mičić and Leonarda Puđa, together with their mentor Antonija Milić, bring you advice on how to behave culturally in a virtual circle.


    Netiquete - internetski bonton.pdf


    Zaštita privatnosti -  Pažljivo s podatcima

    Video zapis „Pažljivo s podatcima“ nastao je sklopu eTwinning projekta „The green changemakers“ a sadrži informacije o važnosti osobnih podataka te rezultate ankete provedene među učenicima Gimnazije Vukovar a koja je za cilj imala utvrditi koliko su učenici oprezni i odgovorni prilikom dijeljenja svojih osobnih podataka. Rezultati ankete pokazali su da je učenike potrebno osvijestiti  o važnosti zaštite osobnih podataka kako bi bili odgovorniji spram osobnih podataka te kako bi učestalije provjeravali pouzdanost stranica i društvenih mreža koje posjećuju. Anketu i video zapis izradili su: Larisa, Marko M, Marko Š, Petra P i Petra I.

    Privacy protection - Careful with the data

    The video "Careful with data" was created as part of the eTwinning project "The green changemakers" and contains information about the importance of personal data and the results of a survey conducted among students of Vukovar Gymnasium that aimed to determine how cautious and responsible students are when sharing their personal data. The results of the survey showed that students need to be made aware of the importance of protecting personal data in order to be more responsible towards personal data and to check more frequently the reliability of the pages and social networks they visit. The survey and video were created by: Larisa, Marko M, Marko Š, Petra P i Petra I.

    Internetski bonton

    Plakat na temu internetskog bontona poznatijeg pod nazivom Netiquette izradili su Vedrana, Tomislav i Teo. Kao što postoje pravila lijepog ponašanja u stvarnom životu, tako bi i u virtualnom svijetu trebalo slijediti neka pravila pristojnog ponašanja i komunikacije. Pravila ponašanja moraju se poštovati i na internetu. Komunikacijom putem interneta koristi se velik broj ljudi, često na neodgovarajući način, zbog nepoznavanja osnovnih pravila. Stoga i kultura komuniciranja putem interneta zahtijeva učenje. Plakat sadrži smjernice, savjete i pravila ponašanja na internetu.

    A poster on the topic of internet etiquette known as Netiquette was created by Vedrana, Tomislav and Teo. Just as there are rules of good behavior in real life, so in the virtual world some rules of decent behavior and communication should be followed. The rules of conduct must also be observed online. Online communication is used by a large number of people, often in an inappropriate way, due to ignorance of the basic rules. Therefore, the culture of communicating online also requires learning. The poster contains guidelines, advice and rules of conduct online.


    Tehnička škola Karlovac


    Presentation made by A. Bišćan, B. Bursić, L. Krčelić from Technical School Karlovac.



    Presentation made by L. Baćurin, M. Matanić from Technical School Karlovac.



    Presentation made by J. Bukovac, L. Novosel from Technical School Karlovac.



    Presentation made by D. Magličić, M. Medved from Technical School Karlovac.



    Presentation made by M. Koller, D. Samardžija, T. Kapučija, L. Leš, E. Velimirović, L. Marković-Ficko, D. Sonički from Technical School Karlovac.


    Gimnazija Vukovar



    Učenice Lara, Kiara, Marija, Dora i Katarina izradile su video na temu digitalnih otisaka. U videu su objasnile šta znači digitalni otisak i koja je razlika između aktinog i pasivnog otiska. Objašnjavanju na koji način nas digitalni otisci mogu opisivati. Nakraju su podjelile nekoliko korisnih savjeta. 

    Lara, Kiara, Marija, Dora, and Katarina made a video about digital footprints. In the video, they explained what digital footprint means and what is different between active and passive. Explaining how digital prints can describe us. In the end, they shared some useful tips. 

  • Used sources

    Activities and Information on media literacy

    Active students of Karmirgyugh school N1 are participating in the "Jinishyan Memorial Foundation" initiative, as a result of which we will learn photography, training programs for photo processing, websites for selling them online.
    Anna Yengoyan

    Activities and information on media literacy

    Let's be a media literate✔️

    Anna Yengoyan

    Activities and information on media literacy

    Proponents of media literacy education argue that the inclusion of media literacy in school curricula promotes civic activism, raises awareness of the power structure inherent in popular media, and helps learners acquire critical thinking and inquiry skills. More and more works are dedicated to the impact of media literacy on the youth. An analysis of more than 50 studies published in the Journal of Communication has shown that media literacy has a positive effect on knowledge, critical thinking, perception of reality, behavior and beliefs.

    Anna Yengoyan

    Media literacy week

    Pupils of Karmirgyugh N1 secondary school participated in Media Literacy Week and played the game "Adventures of Literatus", which aims to make people Media literate, to resist misinformation.

    Explore topics such as cyberbullying and online solicitation with our free collection of online videos. Through animation and real-life stories, NetSmartz can help you empower the people in your community to make safer decisions online.


    ConnectSafely is one of the oldest and most enduring sites for Internet safety. It offers various solutions for imparting internet safety fundamentals to children. They offer in-depth guides and “quick-guides” for parents, educators, youth and policymakers along with resources for seniors and other adults.

    Centar za sigurniji internet - edukativni materijali

    Centar za nestalu i zlostavljanu djecu vodeća je organizacija koja djeluje već više od deset godina u području zaštite djece od zlostavljanja i seksualnog iskorištavanja putem interneta. Organizatori su obilježavanja Dana sigurnijeg interneta u Republici Hrvatskoj.

    Centar za sigurniji internet - edukativni materijali

    Upoznajmo i prepoznajmo e - nasilje - digitalni priručnik ( - Centar za nestalu i zlostavljanu djecu - Prevencija elektroničkog nasilja nad i među djecom i mladima

    Meline M - about Media,and%20deliver%20information%20or%20data.&text=The%20term%20%22medium%22%20(the,%2C%20radio%2C%20or%20television.%22

    Internet Safety for Kids

    In this free tutorial, learn tips and strategies to keep your kids safe from hackers, predators, and cyberbullies.

    Protecting Kids Online

    Articles and information about cyberbullying, kid's online safety, and parental control and rights,

    elif.yeal Yunus Emre Anadolu Lisesi Bingöl / Turkey

    Yunus emre anatolian high school student designed cartoons about internet safety and etwinning ethics from their own avatars using the comica web2 tool.


    Childnet is a charity based in the United Kingdom that, through numerous collaborations, empowers children and young people to create a better and safer Internet. Launched in 1995, it provides children and young people with the skills they need to use boarding schools in a safe and positive way through numerous content on the web platform. Coordinates Safer Internet Day in the UK and works with technology companies, charities and educational institutions around the world to provide a variety of innovative e-security resources and programs. Childnet's resources include tools, videos, curricula, family activities, and each activity can be designed and adapted to your own ideas.
    Childnet je dobrotvorna organizacija sa sjedištem u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu koja kroz brojne suradnje osnažuje djecu i mlade u stvaranju boljeg i sigurnijeg interneta.

    Portal Medijska pismenost

    Na portalu Medijska pismenost mogu se besplatno preuzeti brojni obrazovni materijali za razvoj medijske pismenosti, koje su u sklopu Dana medijske pismenosti objavili Agencija za elektroničke medije i UNICEF, a na linku su izdvojeni materijale na temelju kojih se može održati radionicu o sigurnosti na internetu za učenike u osnovnim ili srednjim školama.

    Centar za sigurniji Internet

    Centar za sigurniji Internet (CSI) je hrvatski nacionalni centar za sigurnost djece na internetu, osnovan 5. lipnja 2012 godine u Zagrebu. Osnovan je od strane Hrvatske akademske i istraživačke mreže – CARNet , Tehničkog veleučilišta u Zagrebu, Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova, Ministarstva uprave, Poliklinike za zaštitu djece grada Zagreba, Agencije za zaštitu osobnih podataka i Udruge Suradnici u učenju. Kroz centar se objedinjuju aktivnosti organizacija koje se trenutno u Hrvatskoj bave ovom problematikom iz različitih aspekata - psiholoških, pedagoških, računalnih, informacijskih, zakonodavnih, socioloških i sl. Time se omogućuje: djeci, roditeljima, učiteljima, nastavnicima ali i ostalim korisnicima interneta, da na jednom mjestu mogu pronaći informacije i edukativne materijale koji pokrivaju sve navedene aspekte sigurnosti djece na internetu, te mogućnost prijave eventualne povrede on-line sigurnosti djece.

    Hülya BUYANKARA Yunus Emre Anadolu Lisesi BİNGÖL / TURKEY

    I prepared a presentation with the renderforest web2 tool to inform our project members about internet safety and eTwinning ethics.

    ebrar.yeal Yunus Emre Anatolian High School Bingöl TURKEY

    I created a cartoon with the Comica web 2 tool from my own avatar, which I designed with the Bitmoji web 2 tool. I want to draw attention to internet safety and eTwinning ethics with this cartoon.

    ebrar.yeal Yunus Emre Anatolian High School Bingöl TURKEY

    Comica web 2 tool is an easy to use tool for designing cartoons

    ebrar.yeal Yunus Emre Anatolian High School Bingöl TURKEY

    The idea to design a cartoon about Internet safety and eTwinning ethics using the Comica web2 tool was great

    ebrar.yeal Yunus Emre Anatolian High School Bingöl TURKEY

    Here is my cartoon design

    ebrar.yeal Yunus Emre Anatolian High School Bingöl TURKEY

    This job was easy with the Comica web2 tool

    aleyna.yeal/ Yunus Emre Anadolu Lisesi Bingöl TURKEY

    I designed a cartoon from my own avatar about internet safety and eTwinning ethics

    aleyna.yeal/ Yunus Emre Anadolu Lisesi Bingöl TURKEY

    This is the cartoon I designed from my own avatar with the Comica web2 tool

    aleyna.yeal/ Yunus Emre Anadolu Lisesi Bingöl TURKEY

    I have never used the Comica web2 tool before. I like it very much. My cartoon that I prepared with Comica, looks great

    aleyna.yeal/ Yunus Emre Anadolu Lisesi Bingöl TURKEY

    It was so fun and easy to design cartoons. I did the second one.

    aleyna.yeal/ Yunus Emre Anadolu Lisesi Bingöl TURKEY

    I'm happy to design cartoons from my own avatar

    Mihriban.yeal/ Yunus Emre Anatolian High School Bingöl/ TURKEY

    I designed a cartoon from my own avatar using the Comica web2 tool and had a lot of fun

    Mihriban.yeal/ Yunus Emre Anatolian High School Bingöl/ TURKEY

    Avatar with Bitmoji, cartoon with Comica

    Mihriban.yeal/ Yunus Emre Anatolian High School Bingöl/ TURKEY

    I loved the Comica web2 tool. My cartoon on internet safety and eTwinning ethics was awesome

    Mihriban.yeal/ Yunus Emre Anatolian High School Bingöl/ TURKEY

    Internet safety and eTwinning ethics cartoon

    elif.yeal Yunus Emre Anatolian High School Bingöl TURKEY

    I designed cartoons with Comica web2 tool, it was so fun.

    elif.yeal Yunus Emre Anatolian High School Bingöl TURKEY

    I am happy to learn how to design cartoons with Comica web2 tool

    elif.yeal Yunus Emre Anatolian High School Bingöl TURKEY

    Here is my cartoon about internet safety and eTwinning ethics. I designed it from my own avatar

    elif.yeal Yunus Emre Anatolian High School Bingöl TURKEY

    It's fun to design cartoons with Comica

    elif.yeal Yunus Emre Anatolian High School Bingöl TURKEY

    It was innovative and creative to use my own avatar while designing cartoons.

    elif.yeal Yunus Emre Anatolian High School Bingöl TURKEY

    I used the bitmoji web2 tool for the avatar and the Comica web2 tool for the cartoon design. I know about internet safety and eTwinning ethics

    Hülya BUYANKARA Yunus Emre Anadolu Lisesi BİNGÖL / TURKEY

    My students turned their avatars, which they created with bitmoji web2 tool, into cartoons with comica web2 tool, and we turned all our work in this activity into a presentation with canva.
    You can view our canva link from the link below.