Mathematics Unites

  • Since Pi has a famous approximate value of 3.14, every year since 1988, the 14th day of the 3rd month is celebrated as "WORLD PI DAY". Pi Day is considered to commemorate the famous mathematical constant π and is celebrated annually on March 14. UNESCO declared 14 March International Mathematics Day at the 40th session of the General Conference on 26 November 2019. The day, which is almost a holiday for mathematicians, is celebrated with various activities that take place during the day.

    A new theme is announced each year to spice up the celebration, spark creativity, and shine a light on the connections between mathematics and all sorts of fields, concepts, and ideas.
    The theme of 2022 International Day of Mathematics is Mathematics Unites.

    Yunus Emre Anatolian High School students will celebrate this day with various activities in our school. Thanks to this event, which will enrich our project, this special day of mathematics will always be remembered by both our project members and other students in our school. 

    Budući da Pi ima poznatu približnu vrijednost od 3,14, od 1988. godine, 14. dan 3. mjeseca slavi se kao "SVJETSKI PI DAN".

    Na 40. zasjedanju Generalne konferencije UNESCO-a, 26. studenog 2019. 14. ožujka proglašen je i Međunarodnim danom matematike. Dan, koji je gotovo praznik za matematičare, obilježava se raznim aktivnostima koje se odvijaju tijekom dana.

    Svake se godine najavljuje nova tema kako bi se začinilo slavlje, potaknulo kreativnost i osvijetlile veze između matematike i svih vrsta polja, koncepata i ideja.
    Tema Međunarodnog dana matematike 2022. je Matematika ujedinjuje.

    Učenici Anadolske gimnazije Yunus Emre obilježili su ovaj dan raznim aktivnostima u  školi. Zahvaljujući ovom događaju, koji će obogatiti naš projekt, ovaj poseban dan matematike ostat će u sjećanju kako članovima projekta,  tako i ostalim učenicima naše škole.