It is good to do good - a donation to the House of EMAUS


    Advent u Zagrebu i ove godine pokazuje svoj sjaj, a u to blagdansko doba posebno je dobro činiti dobro. Potaknuti tom mišlju učenici i nastavnici Industrijske strojarske škole (ISŠ) odazvali su se pozivu Kuće za smještaj djece bez odgovarajuće roditeljske skrbi - Kuće EMAUS za donaciju alata i pribora. Djelatnici Kuće EMAUS osnovali su dječju sekciju „Kreativni kutak“ kako bi osposobili djecu za obavljanje kućanskih popravaka. Učenici i nastavnici praktične nastave ISŠ-a donirali su čekiće i pile koje učenici izrađuju na radioničkim vježbama, a pobrinuli su se i da doniraju i druge alate, uređaje i pribor koji će štićenicima kuće EMAUS sigurno koristiti. Organizatori ove hvalevrijedne akcije za Kuću EMAUS bili su članovi Vijeća Gradske četvrti Gornja Dubrava uz koordinaciju mr. sc Andreje Marcetić. U provedi akcije nastavnicima praktične nastave pomogli su i kolege s teorijske nastave Iva Bojčić te Josip Filić koji je prikupljenu donaciju predao djelatnicima Kuće EMAUS.


    It is good to do good - a donation to the House of EMAUS

    Advent in Zagreb is showing its splendor this year as well, and it is especially good to do good during the holiday season. Encouraged by this thought, students and teachers of the Industrial School of Mechanical Engineering (ISŠ) ​​responded to the call of the House for the Accommodation of Children without Appropriate Parental Care - the EMAUS House for the donation of tools and accessories. Employees of the House of EMAUS have established a children's section "Creative Corner" to train children to do household repairs. Students and teachers of practical classes at ISŠ donated hammers and saws that students make in workshop exercises, and they also made sure to donate other tools, devices and accessories that will be safely used by EMAUS residents. The organizers of this commendable action for the House of EMAUS were members of the Council of the City District of Gornja Dubrava with the coordination of mr. sc Andreje Marcetić. Colleagues from practical classes Iva Bojčić and Josip Filić, who handed over the collected donation to the employees of the EMAUS House, also helped the teachers of practical classes to carry out the action.