We realized the 13th activity/Realizirali smo 13. aktivnost

  • 16.11.  International Day of Tolerance

    Today we celebrate International Day of Tolerance. This recognises the universal human rights and fundamental freedoms of others. People are naturally diverse; only tolerance can ensure the survival of mixed communities in each region of the globe. In 1996. The United Nations General Assembly called on its members to mark a day of respect and appreciation for the different, in line with the 1995 Declaration on the Principles of Tolerance of UNESCO, which defines tolerance not only as a moral duty, but also a legal and political obligation for the individual, social groups and states. Tolerance implies respect, acceptance and appreciation of diversity in world cultures as well as forms of expression, will and aspiration to accept and respect diversity, regardless of political belief, religious, age, racial or gender differences.

    Danas obilježavamo Međunarodni dan tolerancije. Time se priznaju univerzalna ljudska prava i temeljne slobode drugih. Ljudi su prirodno raznoliki; samo tolerancija može osigurati opstanak mješovitih zajednica u svakoj regiji zemaljske kugle. Godine 1996. Opća skupština Ujedinjenih naroda pozvala je svoje članice na obilježavanje dana poštovanja i uvažavanja drugačijih, u skladu s Deklaracijom o načelima tolerancije UNESCO-a iz 1995. godine koja definira toleranciju ne samo kao moralnu dužnost, već i pravnu i političku obvezu za pojedinca, društvene skupine i države. Tolerancija podrazumijeva poštovanje, prihvaćanje i uvažavanje različitosti u svjetskim kulturama kao i forme izražavanja, volju i težnju prihvaćanja i uvažavanja različitosti, neovisno o političkom uvjerenju, vjerskim, dobnim, rasnim ili spolnim razlikama.



    18.11. Remembrance Day for the victims of Vukovar 1991

    Croatia marks Remembrance Day in honour of Vukovar's sacrifice and its heroic defenders. It is a day of thanksgiving, memory and national pride. A day when we remember our fallen heroes. Every year, thousands of Croatians flock to Vukovar to commemorate this day. Tens of thousands of people gathered on Thursday in the city and joined the commemorative Vukovar remembrance procession. The procession went through the streets of Vukovar as those in it expressed gratitude to Croatian defenders and people who suffered during the Homeland War.

    Remembering Vukovar, a city that will forever be a hero: 



    3.12. International Day of Persons with Disabilities

    International Disability Day is celebrated on 3 December with activities promoting understanding of the issue of disability and mobilising support enabling the dignity, realisation of rights and well-being for persons with disabilities.

    People with disabilities are people who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments, which in interaction with different obstacles can prevent their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others. Therefore, it is important to "put yourself in the shoes" of those who permanently or occasionally need our help in order to better understand them and understand the necessity of adaptation to people with disabilities, their characteristics and specifics of functioning, as well as the limitations that are the consequences of damage and illness on the one hand, but also the obstacles that modern society places on the other.

    UN figures show that more than a billion people in the world have some form of disability, and more than 100 million people with disabilities are children. As far as Croatia is concerned, according to data from the Croatian Institute of Public Health in March this year, there are more than half a million people with disabilities living in our country. They make up about 12% of the total population.

    Every year, International Disability Day is celebrated with a different theme, and this year's theme is: "Leadership and participation of people with disabilities towards an inclusive, accessible and sustainable post-COVID-19 world."

    We change attitudes, learn tolerance, respect for diversity, patience, humanity, empathy – ultimately we create a more educated and sensitive society in which children with developmental disabilities will successfully grow up as future active and equal members of the community with support.

    Reaching out, giving a smile, to the little things – we make the world bigger and better!

    Međunarodni dan osoba s invaliditetom obilježava se 3. prosinca uz aktivnosti promicanja razumijevanja problematike invaliditeta i mobilizacije podrške koja omogućuje dostojanstvo, ostvarenje prava i dobrobiti osobama s invaliditetom.

    Osobe s invaliditetom su osobe koje imaju dugotrajna tjelesna, mentalna, intelektualna ili osjetilna oštećenja, koja u međudjelovanju s različitim preprekama mogu sprječavati njihovo puno i učinkovito sudjelovanje u društvu na ravnopravnoj osnovi s drugima. Stoga je važno „staviti se u cipele“ onih koji trajno ili povremeno trebaju našu pomoć kako bismo ih bolje razumjeli i shvatili nužnost prilagodbi osobama s invaliditetom, njihove karakteristike i specifičnosti funkcioniranja, kao i ograničenja koje su posljedice oštećenja i bolesti s jedne strane, ali i prepreka koje im suvremeno društvo postavlja s druge strane.

    Brojke UN-a govore da više od milijardu ljudi u svijetu ima neki oblik invaliditeta, a više od 100 milijuna osoba s invaliditetom su djeca. Što se Hrvatske tiče, prema podacima Hrvatskog zavoda za javno zdravstvo iz ožujka ove godine, u našoj zemlji živi više od pola milijuna osoba s invaliditetom. Oni čine oko 12% ukupnog stanovništva.

    Svake se godine Međunarodni dan osoba s invaliditetom obilježava drugom temom, a ovogodišnja tema je: „Vodstvo i sudjelovanje osoba s invaliditetom prema uključivom, dostupnom i održivom svijetu nakon COVID-19.”

    Mijenjamo stavove, učimo se toleranciji, poštivanju različitosti, strpljenju, humanosti, empatičnosti – u konačnici stvaramo obrazovanije i senzibilnije društvo u kojem će uspješno odrastati djeca s teškoćama u razvoju kao budući aktivni i ravnopravni članovi zajednice uz podršku.

    Pružajući ruku, darujući osmjeh, malim stvarima – činimo svijet većim i boljim!


    27. 01. International Holocaust Memorial Day

    Ispred zgrade škole posadili smo lukovice šafrana u spomen na milijun i pol židovske djece i tisuće druge djece stradale tijekom Holokausta. Cilj je aktivnosti podizati svijest učenika o opasnostima diskriminacije, predrasuda i rasizma pri čemu sadnjom šafrana i njihovim nicanjem simbolično šaljemo poruku o nadi u bolje sutra. Uključivanjem učenika u sadnju lukovica i promatranje cvijeća kako raste potičemo kontinuirano učenje o važnosti tolerancije i poštovanja.

    Zajedničko prisjećanje na zločine holokausta i zajednički rad kako bi se osiguralo da se takva povijest nikada ne ponovi, put je kojim treba ići. Obveza današnjih generacija je poduzimati mjere za sprječavanje katastrofa, učiti iz prošlosti i graditi društvo u kojem se prema svima postupa jednako i u kojem nitko nije izostavljen. Ciljevi održivog razvoja (SDG) nacrt su za postizanje bolje i održivije
    budućnosti za sve.


    Outside the school building, we planted saffron bulbs in memory of a million and a half Jewish children and thousands of other children who died during the Holocaust. The aim of the activity is to raise students' awareness of the dangers of discrimination, prejudice and racism, symbolically sending a message of hope for a better tomorrow by planting saffron and sprouting them. By involving students in planting bulbs and watching flowers grow, we encourage continuous learning about the importance of tolerance and respect.

    Remembering the crimes of the Holocaust together and working together to ensure that such history is never repeated and is the way    to go. The obligation of today's generations is to take these measures to prevent disasters, teach you from the past and build a society in which everyone is treated equally and in which no one is left behind. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a blueprint for achieving a better and more sustainable future for all.


    24.12. 2021. Počinju blagdani!

    Naši dragi suradnici iz Turske pripremili su za nas čestitku sa lijepim željama.

    Yunus Emre Anatolian High School team designed Christmas cards using  Canva web 2 tool.


    27.1.2022. International Holocaust Remembrance Day

    On Holocaust Remembrance Day, we pause & reflect on the darkest period in modern history. As racism & anti-Semitism permeate the mainstream, we must recommit to learning about our past. How we respond to hatred matters. Those who can’t remember the past are condemned to repeat it. 

    The SDGs clearly emphasize the responsibilities of all States, in conformity with the Charter of the United Nations, to respect, protect and promote human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, without the distinction of race, color, sexual orientation, disability, gender, or religious and political ideologies. 

    On Holocaust Remembrance Day, we must reassert our commitment to human rights!


    28.1. 2022. Happy Data Protection Day! 

    In a world where data protection has become a necessity to ensure the respect of basic rights in digital environments, we aim to raise awareness of online issues and current concerns. Data protection is a fundamental right set out in Article 8 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: ‘Everyone has the right to the protection of personal data concerning him or her’.


    11.02. The International Day of Women and Girls in Science

    The International Day of Women and Girls in Science, celebrated on 11 February, is implemented by UNESCO and UN-Women in collaboration institutions and civil society partners that aim to promote women and girls in science.

    This Day is an opportunity to promote full and equal access to and participation in science for women and girls.  Gender equality is a global priority for UNESCO, and the support of young girls, their education and their full ability to make their ideas heard are levers for development and peace.

    Međunarodni dan žena i djevojčica u znanosti, koji se obilježava 11. veljače, provode UNESCO i UN-Women sa suradničkim i partnerskim institucijama civilnog društva kojima je cilj promicanje žena i djevojčica u znanosti.

    Ovaj dan prilika je za promicanje punog i jednakog pristupa znanosti i sudjelovanja u znanosti za žene i djevojčice.  Rodna ravnopravnost globalni je prioritet UNESCO-a i kao takav pruža podršku mladim djevojkama u njihovom obrazovanju i njihovoj punoj sposobnosti kako bi se njihove ideje čule i postale temelj razvoja i mira.


    14.02. International Book Donation Day

    International Book Donation Day is celebrated on February 14, and the tradition was started by children's author Amy Broadmoore in 2012 with the aim of stimulating children's and adults' interest in reading.
    Librarians, kindergartens, associations, institutions and individuals celebrate this day by organizing the donation of books under the motto "I read, I give, I am happy - donate your book and make someone else's heart happy.".


    14.02. International Epilepsy Day 

    On Monday, February 14, 2022, at the Vukovar Gymnasium, we marked the International Epilepsy Day and the National Epilepsy Day. We have created a commemorative digital work in support and education of this often stigmatized disease. We created the poster in the Canva app inviting love of neighbor!


    19. 02. Book Donation Day in Armenia

    February 19 has been declared Book Donation Day in Armenia since 2008.
    The participants of our project actively participated in an interesting and meaningful lesson in the library, dedicated to Book Donation Day. The students presented the book's advice, uttered words about the book, and at the end they presented books to each other by drawing lots, reciting one of the great Tumanyan's quatrains.


    21. 02. International Mother Language Day

    Language is the spiritual treasure of the people promoted by Bishop Strossmayer the people's benefactor.


    23. 02. Pink Shirt Day

    Pink Shirt Day, also known as Anti-Bullying Day, is a day dedicated to the fight against peer violence that is celebrated around the world. It was named after an initiative launched in 2007 by a group of activists in the city of Berwick after Chuck McNeill, a local school student, was abused by his colleagues for coming to school wearing a pink T-shirt. Activists bought 50 pink T-shirts and distributed them to their peers. It marks the last Wednesday in February.

    We need to respect diversity and be kind to each other!


    08. 03. Women’s  Day

    Every life begins with a woman. Respect and encourage every woman for what she is. Happy Women’s Day!



    Since Pi has a famous approximate value of 3.14, every year since 1988, the 14th day of the 3rd month is celebrated as "WORLD PI DAY". Pi Day is considered to commemorate the famous mathematical constant π and is celebrated annually on March 14. UNESCO declared 14 March International Mathematics Day at the 40th session of the General Conference on 26 November 2019. The day, which is almost a holiday for mathematicians, is celebrated with various activities that take place during the day.

    A new theme is announced each year to spice up the celebration, spark creativity, and shine a light on the connections between mathematics and all sorts of fields, concepts, and ideas.

    The theme of 2022 International Day of Mathematics is Mathematics Unites.

    Yunus Emre Anatolian High School students will celebrate this day with various activities in our school. Thanks to this event, which will enrich our project, this special day of mathematics will always be remembered by both our project members and other students in our school. 

    Our students created a pi pattern in the garden of our school.It was really fun and math united us.

    With the help of their friends, our project team students took pictures of this pi symbol in the garden and designed posters using web2 tools for the 14th March International Mathematics Day with the original photos of this event.


    22. March- World Water Day

    Every year on March 22, World Water Day (World Water Day or World Water Day) is celebrated. The idea to celebrate it was voiced at the UN Conference on Environment and Development, held in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro, writes Calend.
    From this year, March 22 is celebrated in Armenia as a professional day of a hydrologist.
    The main goals of the World Water Day are:

    • To draw public attention to the condition and problems of water bodies related to their restoration and protection;
    • Facilitate the adoption of appropriate measures to address the problem of drinking water supply to the population;
    • Inform the public about the importance of protecting and preserving fresh water and water resources in general.

    According to some expert estimates, in 2050 The world's population will reach 9 billion, of which 4 billion will live in chronic water shortages. In other words, water will become the most valuable raw material in the world.

    18.4. International Day of Monuments and Sights

    Dedicated to the International Day of Monuments and Sights, our Armenian partners visited the historical and cultural sights of the surrounding village. They lit candles, cleaned the church and the surrounding area.
    They tell us: Let's keep our environment clean!


    23. 04. English Language Day

    In 2010 United Nations started celebrating English Language Day in order to promote multilingualism and cultural diversity.

    On this occasion, on 25 April, English language teachers Sandra Tomac Lovasić and Helena Jajčević organized an open day in our school. We had a charity sale of candle holders made by our students and teachers together. The money we raised will be given to some of our students who live in difficult conditions.

    Our event also had an ecological aspect. Candle holders were made from ordinary household cans which were carefully cleaned and prepared, primed and painted with water-based colours, and decorated in decoupage technique with William Shakespeare quotes printed on rice paper. Quotes were designed in Canva by our students and teachers. In order to minimize our carbon footprint and also to support local small businesses, candles were purchased at a local candle maker.

    Our first English language open day was a great success and we hope to make it a tradition.

    08. 05. World Day of the Red Cross and red crescent 

    The team of youth of the Red Cross of vukovar gymnasium, young eTwinners, as part of the project "The green changemakers" this year will mark the World Day of the Red Cross and red crescent with a special program – 08 May 2022.

    The program consists of educations and short quizzes about the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, the Croatian Red Cross, international humanitarian law and human rights, as well as demonstrations of knowledge and skills in first aid. MORE


    09. 05. - Celebrating Europe Day and eTwinning Day!

    Europe Day is a day to celebrate peace and unity throughout Europe.

    May 9 has always been an important day for the eTwinning community. It is a special occasion in which teachers gather online to celebrate eTwinning together in their various countries and share their success stories in a collaborative spirit.

    By etwinning we have chance to meet different teachers and students around the Europe. In this platform making projects and learning is really enjoyable.

    Happy eTwinning Day and Happy Europe Day!


    22. 05. - Day of Nature Protection in Croatia and the International Day of Biological Diversity

    22. svibnja, obilježava se Dan zaštite prirode u Hrvatskoj i Međunarodni dan biološke raznolikosti. Dan se obilježava s ciljem povećavanja svjesnosti o važnosti bioraznolikosti i njezinog očuvanja. Hrvatska je po svojoj bioraznolikosti jedna od najbogatijih europskih zemalja, a poremećaj biološke raznolikosti može imati velike posljedice na ekosustave, ali I na ljudske živote. Slogan pod kojim se ove godine obilježava Međunarodni dan bioraznolikosti je “Izgradimo zajedničku budućnost za sva živa bića”.

    Nature Protection Day and International Day for Biological Diversity

    On May 22nd, the Day of Nature Protection in Croatia and the International Day of Biological Diversity is celebrated. The day is celebrated with the aim of increasing awareness of the importance of biodiversity and its preservation.  Croatia is one of the richest European countries in terms of biodiversity, and biodiversity disruption can have major consequences on ecosystems, but also on people's lives.  The slogan under which international biodiversity day is celebrated this year is "Let's build a common future for all living things".


    05. 06. - World Environment Day 2022

    We have a responsibility to protect the environment and safeguard our planet for future generations! We must strive to live more sustainably, recycle and compost where possible, reduce our energy consumption, and reduce waste wherever we can.
    Conventional resources are limited their regular use reduce its availability for future generation. To avoid the depletion of these resources humans habe to rely on non-conventional sources of energy like solar energy, wind energy…


    08.06. World Ocean Day for Schools 2022

    The purpose of the Day is to inform the public of the impact of human actions on the ocean, develop a worldwide movement of citizens for the ocean, and mobilize and unite the world's population on a project for the sustainable management of the world's oceans.

    The concept of a 'World Oceans Day' was first proposed in 1992 at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro as a way to celebrate our world's shared ocean and our personal connection to the sea, as well as to raise awareness about the crucial role the ocean plays in our lives and the important ways people can help protect it.

    The United Nations will highlight the theme Revitalisation: Collective Action for the Ocean on World Oceans Day, on June 8, 2022. According to the UN, oceans produce about 50 percent of the planet's oxygen and are home to earth's biodiversity.

    We believe anyone can become an ocean advocate, no matter where you live. Join World Ocean Day for Schools and let's protect our future by protecting 'Our Blue' 💙.


    World Blood Donor Day is held on June 14 each year. The event was organized for the first time in 2005, by a joint initiative of the World Health Organization, the International Federation of Red Cross, and Red Crescent Societies to raise awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products, and to thank blood donors for their voluntary, life-saving gifts of blood.

    Blood is a necessary resource for planned treatments and urgent interventions. It is helpful for patients who are suffering from life-threatening conditions for living longer and with a higher quality of life. It supports complex medical and surgical procedures.

    Tjedan cjeloživotnog učenja 2022

    Tijekom 16. Tjedna cjeloživotnog učenja, učenici i nastavnici vukovarske gimnazije, organizirali su i proveli radionicu Mnemotehnike učenja i pamćenja, Online obrazovni panel „Globalna priča, lokalni primjeri – održivi razvoj“ te su posjetili novootvoreni EscapeRoom u rodnoj kući Lavoslava Ružičke.

    European Day of Languages

    26. rujna Team 2 Tehničke škole Karlovac je, zajedno s kolegama iz 4.BT razreda obilježio Europski dan jezika. Prošetali smo uz našu prekrasnu Koranu i snimili izvedbu Svakidašnje jadikovke Tina Ujevića na tri jezika, hrvatskom, njemačkom i engleskom.

    On September 26 The Green Changemakers Team 2 celebrated European Day of Languages by walking along the Korana river and recording a trilingual version of "The Daily Lament" by Tin Ujević, one of Croatia's most celebrated poets.