Recycled Christmas tree

  • Učenici Industrijske strojarske škole izradili su reciklirano božićno drvce.

    Učenici su od otpadnih materijala nastalih pri radioničkim vježbama u okviru praktične nastave i od plastičnih boca, izradili božićno drvce u odjelima Školske radionice te su se na taj način kreativno izrazili u skladu s održivim razvojem.  

    Cilj ove aktivnosti bio je potaknuti učenike na odgovorno ponašanje prema okolišu u božićno vrijeme kada se stvaraju velike količine otpada. Vlastitim primjerom učenici Industrijske strojarske škole pokazali su kako Božić može biti bajkovit i ukoliko se koriste stari predmeti i otpadni materijali koji nerijetko svoje mjesto, umjesto kao božićna dekoracija, pronađu u spremniku za otpad. Učenici su, sudjelujući u izradi božićnog drvca, ispunjavali odgojno obrazovna-očekivanja međupredmetnih tema održivosti, osobnog i socijalnog razvoja, poduzetništva, ali i građanskog odgoja i obrazovanja. Uz nastavnike uključene u eTwinning projekt The Green Changemakers, učenicima su u ovoj aktivnosti pomogli i nastavnici Dean Vukelić i Slaven Kuhar.

    Učenici su djelovali u skladu s načelima održivoga razvoja s ciljem zaštite prirode i okoliša, a također su:

    • suradnički učili i radili u timu,
    • upućivali na međuovisnost članova društva i proces društvene odgovornosti,
    • primjenjivali inovativna i kreativna rješenja,
    • planirali i upravljali aktivnostima,
    • aktivno sudjelovali u izradi od ideje do realizacije te
    • promicali kvalitetu života u zajednici.

    Students of the Industrial Engineering School made a recycled Christmas tree

    Students made a Christmas tree in the departments of the School Workshop from waste materials generated during the practical exercises and from plastic bottles, thus expressing themselves creatively in accordance with sustainable development.

    The aim of this activity was to encourage students to behave responsibly towards the environment at Christmas time when large amounts of waste are generated. By their own example, the students of Industrial Engineering School showed how Christmas can be fabulous even if old objects and waste materials are used, which often find their place in the waste bin instead of as Christmas decorations. By participating in the making of the Christmas tree, the students met the educational expectations of cross-curricular topics of sustainability, personal and social development, entrepreneurship, but also civic education. In addition to the teachers involved in the eTwinning project The Green Changemakers, the students were assisted in this activity by teachers Dean Vukelić and Slaven Kuhar.


    The students acted in accordance with the principles of sustainable development with the aim of protecting nature and the environment, and are also:

    • collaboratively studied and worked in a team,

    • refer to the interdependence of members of society and the process of social responsibility,

    • apply innovative and creative solutions,

    • plan and manage activities,

    • actively participate in the development from idea to realization and

    • promote the quality of life in the community.