Poduzetnički mindset kao preduvjet povećanja mobilnosti i konkurentnosti na tržištu rada

  • Teachers of  Industrial Engineering School at the conference Entrepreneurial mindset as a prerequisite for increasing mobility and competitiveness on the labor market

    At the 1st scientific-professional conference on the topic "Entrepreneurial mindset as a prerequisite for increasing mobility and competitiveness on the labor market by developing key competencies for lifelong learning, social entrepreneurship and socially responsible behavior", held on July 1, 2022, organized by the Education Agency and The Council of the City District of Gornja Dubrava, the teachers of the Industrial Engineering School Iva Bojčić and Kristinka Lemaić participated as lecturers with a presentation on the topic "International eTwinning project as a form of development of students' key competencies". In their presentation, the teachers showed how the students of the Industrial Engineering School develop their key competencies by participating in the international eTwinning project "The green cdhangemakers". The teachers also showed the participants of the Conference examples of connecting eTwinning with professional skills, which earned the School the Status of the first secondary school of ekoLutioners and the Green Skills Award 2022.

    The goal of the Conference was to empower experts and exchange experiences related to understanding the importance of entrepreneurial thinking and developing entrepreneurship competencies, social responsibility, social entrepreneurship in order to increase mobility and competitiveness on the labor market, especially related to NEET groups. A number of lecturers from the City Office for Education, Sports and Youth and primary and secondary schools as well as colleges and non-profit organizations took part in the work of the Conference.

    Na I. znanstveno-stručnoj konferenciji na temu „Poduzetnički mindset kao preduvjet povećanja mobilnosti i konkurentnosti na tržištu rada razvojem ključnih kompetencija za cjeloživotno učenje, socijalno poduzetništvo i društveno odgovorno ponašanje“, održanoj 1. srpnja 2022. u organizaciji Agencije za odgoj i obrazovanje te Vijeća Gradske četvrti Gornja Dubrava, kao predavačice sudjelovale su nastavnice Industrijske strojarske škole Iva Bojčić i Kristinka Lemaić s izlaganjem na temu “Međunarodni eTwinning projekt kao oblik razvoja ključnih kompetencija učenika”. Nastavnice su u svom izlaganju pokazala kako učenici Industrijske strojarske škole sudjelovanjem u međunarodnom eTwinning projektu „The green cdhangemakers“ razvijaju svoje ključne kompetencije. Nastavnice su sudionicima Konferencije pokazale i primjere povezivanja eTwinninga sa strukovnim vještinama što je Školi donijelo  Status prve srednje škole ekoLucionara te nagradu Green Skills Award 2022.

    Cilj Konferencije bio je je osnaživanje stručnjaka i razmjena iskustava vezano uz razumijevanja značaja poduzetničkog razmišljanja i razvijanja kompetencija poduzetnosti, društvene odgovornosti, društvenog poduzetništva radi povećanja mobilnosti i konkurentnosti na tržištu rada, posebno vezano uz NEET skupine. U radu Konferencije sudjelovalo je niz predavača iz Gradskog ureda za obrazovanje, sport i mlade te osnovnih i srednjih škola kao i fakulteta te neprofitnih organizacija.