Peace comes from the heart!

  • Mir dolazi iz srca!

    U susret obilježavanju Dana planeta Zemlje, 22. travnja želimo skrenuti pažnju na važnost promicanja mira, pravednosti i ljudskih prava  među ljudima jer su oni neophodni za stabilan održivi razvoj. Želimo potaknuti sve mlade ljude na molitvu , potporu, promicanje pravde i mira na koje imaju pravo po svome ljudskom dostojanstvu. Pošaljite i Vi poruku mira i ljubavi, budite solidarni s onima čija su prava narušena! Učenici Gimnazije Vukovar izradili su digitalne postere u Canva aplikaciji, s željom da podsjete da rat nikada ne nosi ništa dobro i da svaki čovjek ima pravo na miran i stabilan život. Postere su izložili u holu škole s kutijom u koju su učenici ubacivali svoje molitve, poruke potpore i prigodne citate koje su istraživali na Internetu. Svojom akcijom pokazali su ljubav i solidarnost s trenutnim stanjem u svijetu i onima čija su prava narušena.

    Peace comes from the heart!

    To mark Earth Day on 22 April, we would like to draw attention to the importance of promoting peace, justice and human rights among people, as they are essential for sustainable development. We want to encourage all young people to pray, support, promote justice and peace to which they are entitled in their human dignity. Send a message of peace and love, be in solidarity with those whose rights have been violated! Students of the Vukovar Gymnasium made digital posters in the Canva application, with the desire to remind that war never brings anything good and that every person has the right to a peaceful and stable life. The posters were displayed in the school hall with a box in which students inserted their prayers, messages of support and occasional quotes that they researched on the Internet. By their action, they showed love and solidarity with the current situation in the world and those whose rights have been violated.