• Plan for the fourth activity:

    Defining rules of conduct related to e-security, online etiquette, privacy protection, intellectual property and digital citizenship:

      • solve the quiz Internet Safety Quiz,
      • use the sources offered to search for and evaluate information,
      • create digital materials using appropriate online tools to highlight the most important concepts about given topics (working in groups; groups are shaped, still, by students from the same school),
      • publish the materials created in a shared location,
      • review materials, discuss their content and adopt positive behaviors


    Estimated time period:

      • one month (until 20 February 2022)

    Provided online tools:

      • by choice of students


    Although eTwinning is a closed environment with control by the authorities, problems may arise from time to time. And what about social media and other internet services?! Therefore, students must learn how to be responsible users of the Internet. They should not be constantly monitored and excluded from activities that they can carry out on their own. They should be taught how to build a digital identity and how to express themselves with respect to other participants in (virtual) communication. Students need to learn, sometimes even on their mistakes, to acquire the competences and skills of digitally literate citizens. To begin with, the rules of conduct related to:

      • e-security,
      • network etiquette,
      • privacy protection,
      • intellectual property
      • digital citizenship.

    Task 1.

    Each student will take the Internet Safety Quiz, which will give them insight and feedback on how much they know how to protect themselves and others in an online environment. The quiz can be found at the Internet Safety Quiz link.

    Task 2.

    Groups will be formed according to the interests of the students, so that as a result of the activities, each school has 5 groups and each group selects and prepares the content for the selected topic, with all the above topics to be represented. Groups can make content from multiple topics.  The selection will enter a form set up for this purpose.

    Selection Entry Form

    When you enter a selection, they will search for, evaluate, and collect information for the selected topic.

    As they work, students will reflect on copyright and intellectual property.  

    Our goal is also to create a list of valuable sources that clarify the topic of this activity. Students will insert the information about the sources used (links with a brief description) on twinboard Used sources located on the  Created works:4. activity  (students have the authority to enter content on this page).

    See suggested sources:


    Task 3.

    Based on the information collected, students will present the selected topic and define the rules of conduct related to it with some of the online tools.

    Each group will choose an online tool according to their own preferences; a tool they find interesting, a tool they know how to work with, or a tool they haven't used yet but want to get to know. It is possible to create a digital poster, mind map, video, comic book, e-book. Present the tools you want to use with 3-4 sentences on TwinBoard The digital tools we use  located at the end of this page.

    Upon creation of online material, one should rethink copyright. Read the Copyright and CC Licenses document and format the license for your material.

    CC License Copyright.pdf

    The students will publish the created works on the page Created works:4. activity  no later than 20. February  2022.


    Task 4.

    Upon completion and publication of the material, students will review the materials, discuss their content and adopt positive behaviors.