Poveznice do online provjera/Links to Online Tests

  • Na ovoj se stranici nalaze poveznice do provjera/igara koje smo oblikovali. 

    This page contains links to the tests/games we've designed!



    Dijeljeni dokument za sudionike mješovitog tima u koji se mogu upisivati pitanja koja će se koristiti za izradu online provjere
    (Shared document for participants of mixed team in which they can write questions that will be used to make an online check)

    Sustainable development quiz - questions -mixed group

    Kreirali smo provjeru u aplikaciji Testmoz. Provjera sadrži maksimalan broj pitanja, koji aplikacija u besplatnoj verziji dozvoljava, a to je 50. Pitanja se pojavljuju jedno po jedno, odnosno, svako je pitanje na jednoj stranici. Nema negativnih bodova, no, nema ni povratka na prethodna pitanja. Ograničili smo rješavanje provjere na 20 minuta. Provjeri se može pristupiti neograničeni broj puta.

    Nastavnici su kreirali dijeljeni dokument u koji su članovi mješovitog tima bilježili pitanja. Pitanja su potom selektirali i izdvojili najkvalitetnija. Od izdvojenih pitanja, uz pomoć nastavnika, kreirali su online test.

    We created a test in the Testmoz application. The test contains the maximum number questions that the application allows in the free version, which is 50. The questions appear one by one, that is, each question is on one page. There are no negative points, but there is no return to the previous questions. We limited the resolution of the check to 20 minutes. The check can be accessed an unlimited number of times. 

    Teachers created a shared document in which members of the mixed team recorded the questions. The questions were then selected and the best ones were selected. From the selected questions, with the help of the teacher, they created an online test.

    Sustainable development quiz: what do you know about the global goals?




    The 2nd Mixed Group created fun and educational games in the LearningApps app.

    Working in a mixed group, the students prepared and selected the most interesting questions, and the teachers helped shape them in the application.

    Online Game 1.


    Online Game 2.



    We designed a creative and innovative game with our mixed team students mentored by Sanda SUTALO and Hülya BUYANKARA.

     The 17-question online test prepared with the flippity web2 tool. Our students prepared a question about each of the 17 sustainable development goals. We uploaded it to the flippity web2 tool with the answers. We have set an automatic certificate of achievement to be issued on behalf of the participant who correctly answers all 17 questions of the online test. We hope all project members will play this game and share their certificates with us.

    You can start the game by clicking the picture or link below.


    Our third mixed team students
    Maglicic Danijela ,Uđbinac Mihael, Bukovac Jakov, Novosel Luka and elif.yeal
    We would like to thank our students



    The second game we designed for activity 9 is a puzzle. Using the flags of the member countries of our project, Croatia, Turkey, Armenia and the symbols of 17 sustainable development goals, we prepared the ground for the puzzle with the canva web2 tool. We turned this picture into a 45-piece jigsaw puzzle game with jigsaw planet. We hope all our members enjoy it.

    You can start the game by clicking the picture or link below.




    Pristup kvizu omogućen je putem POVEZNICE putem koje je uz prijavu moguće kopirati i uređivati kviz te takav pokrenuti uživo sa učenicima. Uz prijavu, moguće je i u pisanom obliku preuzeti kreirana pitanja. Bez prijave moguće je odabrati opciju Preview i startati kviz.

    Kviz se sastoji od 22 pitanja a uz svako pitanje slijedi i objašnjenje točnog odgovora.

    Peta mješovita grupa učenika iz Hrvatske, Armenije i Turske vas poziva da testirate svoje znanje o ciljevima održivog razvoja 😊



    Access to the quiz is made possible through a LINK through which it is possible to copy and edit the quiz with the login and to start it live with the students. In addition to the application, it is possible to download the created questions in writing. Without logging in, it is possible to select Preview  and start the quiz.

    The quiz consists of 22 questions and each question is accompanied by an explanation of the correct answer.

    The fifth mixed group of students from Croatia, Armenia and Turkey invites you to test your knowledge of the Sustainable Development 😊 Goals

  • Our games

    Karmirgyugh N1 secondary school of Gegharkunik region

    Here's a link to our game on sustainable development Karmirgyugh N1 school Seda Chngryan

    Karmirgyugh N1 school

    Here's a link to our game on sustainable development Karmirgyugh N1 school

    Hülya BUYANKARA Yunus Emre Anadolu Lisesi BİNGÖL / TURKEY

    Please click on the link for our 17-question certificate winning game, which includes one question from each of the 17 sustainable development goals.

    If you answer all questions correctly, your certificate issued in your name will appear on the screen immediately.

    elif.yeal Yunus Emre Anatolian High School Bingöl/TURKEY

    Our teachers, Mrs. Hülya BUYANKARA and Mrs. Sanda SUTALO, taught us how to use a new web2 tool, and as third mixed country team students, we prepared 17 questions about sustainable development goals.We designed a great certificate earning game using the flippity web2 tool with the answers to the questions we prepared.

    elif.yeal Yunus Emre Anatolian High School Bingöl TURKEY

    here is my certificate

    Mihriban.yeal/ Yunus Emre Anatolian High School Bingöl/ TURKEY

    For the 9th event, we will both reinforce what we have learned and have fun by trying to find the flags of our project member countries and the visual symbols of the 17 sustainable development goals.
    We designed the floor of the puzzle with the canva web2 tool, we broke this design into puzzle pieces with jigsawplanet.
    To prepare this ground, the Yunus Emre Anatolian High School team jointly organized the collaborative Canva web2 tool.

    Mihriban.yeal/ Yunus Emre Anatolian High School Bingöl/ TURKEY

    Click on the link below for the puzzle game we designed for our project members within the scope of activity 9. There should be both 17 sustainable development goals and the flags of the member countries of our project.

    Mihriban.yeal/ Yunus Emre Anatolian High School Bingöl/ TURKEY


    We designed a fun puzzle for our project members. We will both reinforce what we have learned and have fun by trying to find the visual symbols of 17 sustainable development goals and the flags of our project member countries with this puzzle.

    Hülya BUYANKARA Yunus Emre Anatolian High School BİNGÖL/TURKEY

    We did a great job in the third mixed team with students from Tehnička škola Karlovac and Yunus Emre Anatolian High School Bingöl.

    This is my certificate. Some questions were not so easy 🙂


    Karmirgyugh N1 secondary school


    Karmirgyugh N1 secondary school


    Karmirgyugh N1 secondary school

    Tehnička škola Karlovac

    This is my certificate. Try it. This is a fun game!

    ebrar.yeal Yunus Emre Anatolian High School Bingöl TURKEY

    Thanks to the third team for this great work and this is my certificate 🤗

    aleyna.yeal/ Yunus Emre Anadolu Lisesi Bingöl TURKEY

    I answered 17 questions about sustainable development goals correctly and I am happy to receive a certificate.

    Mihriban.yeal/ Yunus Emre Anatolian High School Bingöl/ TURKEY

    Congratulations third team. I like the certified game


    Sustainable development quiz: what do you know about the global goals?

    Sanja Pavlović Šijanović

    Gymnasium Vukovar

    Lara and Katarina

    Gymnasium Vukovar
    It was fun!

    Our certificates - Marija and Dora

    Gymnasium Vukovar

    Blanka, Ema, Dora i Kiara

    Gimnazija Vukovar

    Davor Šijanović

    This is my certificate!
    It was fun!

    Olja, Matej, Mihajlo i Anamarija

    Gimnazija Vukovar

    Sanja Matičić

    Gimnazija Vukovar

    elif.yeal-Yunus Emre Anadolu Lisesi BİNGÖL/TURKEY

    I solved the "Testmoz" online test prepared by FIRST MIXED COUNTRY TEAM'S WORK (BLUE TEAM), the questions were difficult for me and I realized that I did not know the sustainable development goals enough because my success was 28%. I hope my level will rise with this project

    elif.yeal Yunus Emre Anatolian High School Bingöl/TURKEY

    I liked the matching game of pictures prepared with learning apps and had fun.

    aleyna.yeal/ Yunus Emre Anadolu Lisesi Bingöl TURKEY

    In this event, we played the games developed by mixed country teams with our classmates and had a lot of fun.

    Mihriban.yeal/ Yunus Emre Anatolian High School Bingöl/ TURKEY

    We played the games of this activity with our classmates

    Mihriban.yeal/ Yunus Emre Anatolian High School Bingöl/ TURKEY

    Thanks to these games, our classmates learned in detail about 17 sustainable development goals and we had fun.

    ebrar.yeal Yunus Emre Anatolian High School Bingöl TURKEY

    It was really fun, sometimes we had difficulties, but we completed them all.

    ebrar.yeal Yunus Emre Anatolian High School Bingöl TURKEY

    Thanks to this activity, 17 sustainable development goals were gamified.

    ebrar.yeal Yunus Emre Anatolian High School Bingöl TURKEY

    We played these games in class and had a lot of fun. Many thanks to the creators

    elif.yeal Yunus Emre Anatolian High School Bingöl TURKEY

    I showed my classmates the testmoz online test prepared by the first mixed country team.

    elif.yeal Yunus Emre Anatolian High School Bingöl/TURKEY

    we played the game designed by the first team

    elif.yeal Yunus Emre Anatolian High School Bingöl TURKEY

    The game designed by the first team was difficult for us

    Technical school Karlovac

    Interesting game!