Armenia - Utjecaj klimatskih promjena na poljoprivredu

  • Naši prijatelji iz Armenije istraživali su kako klimatske promjene utječu na poljoprivredu. Zbog učinka klimatskih promjena mijenjaju se poljoprivredne kulture koje ljudi u pojedinim područjima uzgajaju, sve se više koristi staklenička proizvodnja, a razvija se i eko turizam. O svom su istraživanju snimili video. Pogledajte!


    Climate change is affecting nature և man. As the temperature of the planet rises, so does the level of the world's oceans. Climate change leaves a dangerous mark on flora and fauna.
    They are engaged in agriculture in Karmirgyom, they grow potatoes. Taking advantage of the effects of climate change, we are now growing agricultural crops here that were not grown here years ago and will be more favorable in times of drought. Previously, the greenhouse economy was not developed, now many villagers have built greenhouses.
    We also decided to develop ecotourism in the village, made a video, organized campaigns in different parts of our community. In our community we fight for the protection of the environment. We regularly hold sabbaticals and plant trees.