We realized the 9th activity/Realizirali smo 9. aktivnost

  • Završili smo 9. aktivnost!

    U sklopu 9. aktivnosti oblikovali smo pitanja objektivnog tipa na temu 17 globalnih ciljeva održivog razvoja. Na osnovu spoznaja koje smo stekli i materijala koje smo stvorili tijekom 5. aktivnosti (uz korištenje pripadajuće literature) oblikovali smo bogatu i vrijednu bazu pitanja o globalnim  ciljevima održivog razvoja. Od stvorenih pitanja oblikovali smo online testove i igre. Koristili smo alate: testmoz, learningapps, flippity, jigsaw planet i quizizz.

    Radili smo u nekoliko faza.

    U prvoj fazi, učenici unutar iste škole oblikovali su proizvoljan broj pitanja za svaki od 17 globalnih ciljeva. Nastavnici, voditelji timova, za svoje su učenike oblikovali pripadajući dijeljeni dokument u koji su učenici, nakon što su osmislili i oblikovali pitanja, ista i upisali. Nastavnici su pomogli u prijevodu pitanja, vrednovali ih, sistematizirali i objedinili.

    U drugoj fazi, oformili smo mješovitu grupu učenika i nastavnika iz različitih škola i država. Oblikovali smo timove: Blue, Red, Green, Yellow i Orange. Timovi su na samom početku odabrali online alat za oblikovanje online provjera, a potom su provjere i oblikovali. Nastavnici su pružali smjernice i pomagali savjetima.

    U trećoj fazi, učenici administratori svake grupe, gotove su radove postavili na za to predviđenu stranicu Poveznice do online provjera/Links to Online Tests

    U četvrtoj fazi, porabom pripremljenih online provjera učenici i nastavnici proveli su samovrednovanje čime su podigli razinu stečenih znanja o globalnim ciljevima održivog razvoja.

    U petoj fazi, uporabom BookCreatora, nastavnici su rezultate aktivnosti objedinili u eKnjizi Design online tests & games

    We've completed the 9th activity!

    As part of the 9th activity, we have formulated objective issues on the subject of the 17 global sustainable development goals. Based on the knowledge we have gained and the materials we have created during the 5th activity (using the associated literature), we have shaped a rich and valuable database of questions about the global Sustainable Development Goals.  From the questions created, we have shaped online tests and games. We used tools: testmoz, learningapps, flippity, jigsaw planet and quizizz.

    We worked in several phases.

    In the first phase, students within the same school shaped an arbitrary number of questions for each of the 17 global goals. Teachers, team leaders, designed for their students the corresponding shared document into which the students, having designed and shaped the questions, they were the same and typed. Teachers helped translate the questions, evaluated them, systematized them and brought them together.

    In the second phase, we formed a mixed group of students and teachers from different schools and states. We shaped teams: Blue, Red, Green, Yellow and Orange. At the outset, the teams selected an online tool to format online checks, and then they took checks and formatted them. Teachers provided guidance and helped with advice.

    In the third phase, the student administrators of each group, placed the finished works on the designated page Links to Online Checks/Links to Online Tests

    In the fourth phase, by stealing prepared online checks, students and teachers carried out self-evaluations of it, raising the level of their knowledge of the global sustainable development goals.

    In the fifth phase, using BookCreator, teachers combined the results of the activities in the  Design online tests & games ebook