We realized the third activity/Realizirali smo treću aktivnost

  • Realizacija treće aktivnosti: Logo projekta

    Promišljajući o logu projekta, učenici su izradili prijedloge loga projekta (pojedinačno ili rad u paru) te ih postavili logo na Padlet zid Koji bi logo trebao predstavljati naš projekt?

    Sve smo prijedloge objedinili u e-knjigu The green changemakers – Project logo te pristupili odabiru najprikladnijeg i najkreativnijeg loga izrađenog odgovarajućim online alatom.

    Glasovanje je provedeno putem google obrasca u dvije faze.

    Tijekom prve faze, glasovanje je bilo javno te su glasovati mogli ne samo članovi projekta već i svi prijatelji projekta i eTwinninga.

    Nakon provedene prve faze glasovanja, izlučili smo 5 loga s najvećim brojem glasova te smo prešli u drugu fazu glasovanja u kojoj su najprikladniji i najkreativniji logo, birali samo članovi projekta.

    Rezultati druge faze glasanja dostupni su putem poveznice https://bit.ly/VotingResults-ProjectLogo

    Najviše glasova osvojio je logo kojega je izradio Karlo Pavlečić iz Industrijske strojarske škole Zagreb te je logo proglašen pobjedničkim i postavljen na početnu stranicu, uz opis projekta!


    Realization of the third activity: Logo  project

    Thinking about the project logo, the students  made land suggestions of the project logo (individually or work in pairs) and placed them on  padlet  wall:  What logo should represent our project?

    We combined all the suggestions into the e-book The green changemakers – Project logo and approached  the most appropriate and the most creative  logo made with the appropriate online tool.

    The vote was conducted via a two-stage Google form.

    During the first phase, the vote was public and not only project members could vote, but also all friends of the project and eTwinning.

    After conducting the first phase of voting, we excreted 5 logos with the highest number of votes and moved on to the second phase of voting in which only the project members were chosen by the most appropriate and creative logo.

    The results of the second phase of voting are available via the link https://bit.ly/VotingResults-ProjectLogo

    The most votes went to the logo created by Karlo Pavlečić from the Industrial Engineering School Zagreb and the logo was declared the winner and placed on the homepage, with a descriptionof the project!


    ebrar.yeal Yunus Emre Anatolian High School Bingöl TURKEY

    I designed a logo for our project with the CANVA web2 tool.

    ebrar.yeal Yunus Emre Anatolian High School Bingöl TURKEY

    Designing with the CANVA web2 tool was great

    Mihriban.yeal/ Yunus Emre Anatolian High School Bingöl/ TURKEY

    I designed a logo with the Canva web2 tool

    elif.yeal Yunus Emre Anatolian High School Bingöl TURKEY

    I designed a logo with the Canva web2 tool

    aleyna.yeal/ Yunus Emre Anadolu Lisesi Bingöl TURKEY

    My logo design