11. activity We create smart solutions for sustainable development – eco-engineering workshop

  • Activity 11 plan:

    The aim of this activity is to reflect, create and develop smart solutions and services for sustainable development using digital technologies.  Eco-innovation solutions can cover all areas of sustainable development with the aim of contributing to the achievement of one or more SDGs.

    For example, solutions can be for the purpose of:

    - better use of resources and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions,

    - smart and sustainable traffic solutions such as traffic and public parking management, low-emission traffic zones, traffic lights, smart parking lots and the like.

    - in the area of climate change and the green transition, such as reducing the negative impact on the environment and making more efficient use of resources.

    - in the field of industry such as robots and robotic arms that can be used to work in dangerous, radioactive or polluted environments or with the aim of automating the business (dyeing, welding...)

    Activities are carried out with the aim of creating "green" technologies through eco-engineering workshops whereby technologies such as Arduin, Iot, Raspberry Pi, micro:bit, VIDI Project Xa, Little Bits, Lego, mBot..... can be used to make a robotic arm or waste management devices, wastewater treatment, technical measurement to protect water, soil, forests, devices for the effective use of renewable sources  (solar energy and windmills), devices for measuring and monitoring harmful substances and environmental damage caused in the environment, seismographs, alarms, irrigation,  smoke detectors, breathing relaxation and routing devices, a step counter or, for example, a heartbeat and the like.

    If schools are not equipped with technology, we recommend the makecode.microbit.org interface in which the micro:bit simulation is used.

    Likewise, it is possible to create services such as a board game or an app.

    The activity covers the following objectives of learning, skills and competences:

    • introduce students to advanced technologies as part of the solution to the conservation problem environment and establishing sustainable development,
    • recognize the protection of the environment, climate and resources as the key global challenges of our time and discover the role of core technologies, processes and products in contributing to addressing these challenges;
    • develop students' cognitive skills and cognitive mechanisms to successfully solve technical  problems and acquire new skills that  will  provide students with the necessary tools to adapt to new conditions and possible career change, thereby reducing unemployment and increasing work productivity,
    • create a technological solution or service (app or board game),
    • develop supporting project documentation for the created technological solution or service,
    • record a  video clip that represents a technological solution or service.

    Through this activity, we will develop skills to use advanced technologies and understand their role and contribution in creating and developing sustainability.

    Estimated time period:

    • Two months

    Intended technologies (optional of schools)

    • Arduino
    • Iota
    • Raspberry Pi
    • micro:bit
    • SEE Project X
    • Little Bits
    • 3D
    • Robotics (LEGO Mindstorms, LEGO,
    • A free selection of  tools for creating an app
    • MS Word - Craftsmanship Process Documentation
    • MiniTool, Movie Maker or a tool of your choice (for recording video clips)
    1.  Task: Idea???? Realization: Technological solution or service???

    At the very beginning, students within each school agree on a topic that they would like to explore and then choose whether to create a technological solution or service (application or board game).

    In choosing a method of realization can help the information that follows:

    a) Technological solution

    A few examples for using a micro:bit:

    LED tranquilizers, Heart beatingEnergy Saving Step Counter

    More examples can be found at the link and/or link.

    A few examples for using Arduin and IoT

    Traffic light model, Sound level measurement, Light alarm

    More examples can be found at the link.

    A few examples for using LittleBits

    Water level monitoring and flood protection device, Bell for hearing impaired people

    More examples can be found at the link.

    Examples for using VIDI ProjectX can be found at the link.

    Examples for using mBot can be found at the link

    b) Board game or app (service)

    An example of apps that help create a healthy diet like InFood, OpenFoodFacts.

    An example of an app that gives you small weekly and daily tasks with which you can contribute in an interesting way to protecting the environment Go Green Challenge

    Example of the board game "Last Chance" The entire game package is available on the LINK.

    2. Task: Create and Document Project (Activities)

    After an agreement within the school, the development of a technological solution, board game or application (service) is approached.

    When creating it, it is necessary to document the process with content and accompanying photos. In MS Word, you must note the following:

    Project NAME (Activities)

    PROJECT LEADER: school

    DESCRIPTION of the project (activities): to which global goal your solution contributes, what is the positive change that you expect by applying your solution, which is the expected delivery, that is, the result of the project, to whom the results of the project are intended...

    REALIZATION OF THE PROJECT: how did you realize the project, what activities, i.e. work packages and tasks...

    SUSTAINABILITY of the project: continued to maintain the results and objectives of the project even after its formal completion, how do the newly created processes continue to take place?, How do the newly acquired knowledge continue to be used?, What will be done to ensure the durability of the results?...)

    PROJECT PHOTOS (attachment)

    3. Task:  Presenting a project via video clip


    After the technological solution, social game or application (service) is completed, it is necessary to present it and for this we will use a video clip. Your task is to record it in an offered or self-selected tool and to make it easier for you to create, we have prepared  an Analytical Section for the assessment of video clips that contains guidelines that you need to take into account.

    4. Task: Publish Work

    Finished works will be published by student administrators on the page: Realization of the 11th activity