6th activity ONLINE MEETING

  • Plan for the sixth activity:

    Exchange of experience and achievements so far within the project:

    • organize an online video meeting with the aim of presenting partner schools, participants and activities carried out,
    • each school will select one or two students who will present their school, participants and activities in a short presentation lasting up to 10 minutes through the presentation,
    • Publish created materials in a shared location
    • meet the participants of partner schools, their engagement in project activities so far and their view of participation in the project,
    • discuss performance, potential problems and ways to improve the realization of what still lies ahead,
    • exchange proposals, ideas, comments and advice to improve future project activities.


    Estimated time period:

    • 10 days to create presentations
    • Online video meeting: Tuesday 8 March at 19:30 (CET)

    Provided online tools:

    • zoom (online video meeting)
    • MS PowerPoint (presentation)

    Online Video Meeting

    We arranged an online video meeting using the Zoom app.

    The meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 8 March at 19:30

    Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81961483736?pwd=SHp2VHBjNFo4Q0p3QmMwYjBORkxnQT09

    or using access data:

    Meeting ID: 819 6148 3736

    Passcode: PVvkv5

    For this need, each school will  delegate one or two students to exhibit at this online meeting. The duration of each exposure is a maximum of 10 minutes (the total duration of the video meeting should be about 60 minutes).  Prepared presentations should be published on the page: Presentations for an online meeting.

    As is customary, students will have the opportunity to share the screen, therefore, to display the prepared presentation.