Good Deeds Day

  • World Day of Doing Good Deeds - Gymnasium Vukovar

    Svjetski dan činjenja dobrih djela pokrenula je međunarodna organizacija Good Deeds Day prije 16 godina u Izraelu sa 7.000 volontera a danas je to globalni događaj i prava svjetska manifestacija solidarnosti i promocije volonterstva koja se obilježava u 108 zemalja svijeta. U Hrvatskoj, prvi je puta obilježen 3. travnja 2022. godine a uključiti su se mogle udruge koje se bave volonterskim aktivnostima, ali i građani s individualnim ili grupnim aktivnostima volontiranja. U sklopu međunarodnog etwinning projekta „The green changemakers“, provedena je aktivnost #GoodDeedsDay pri čemu su učenici, mladi eTwinneri pod vodstvom svojih nastavnika, osmislili i proveli hvalevrijedne akcije potičući sklonost prema čitanju, empatiju, solidarnost, brigu za druge, brigu za okoliš i važnost zajedništva u društvu. Projektna aktivnost registrirana je na stranici organizacije Good Deeds Day.

    Svjesni vlastite odgovornosti, učenici Gimnazije Vukovar u partnerstvu sa učenicima iz Tehničke škole Karlovac, Industrijsko strojarske škole Zagreb, te sa učenicima anadolijske škole Yunus Emre iz Bingola iz Turske i Karmirgyugh N1 secondary school, Karmirgyugh iz Armenije, željeli su aktivno pridonijeti obilježavanju Svjetskog dana činjenja dobih djela te su stoga sudjelovali u učinkovitim lokalnim akcijama i na taj se način pridružili nositeljima globalnih promjena s ciljem stvaranja pozitivnih promjena u svojoj zajednici i našem svijetu.

    Tako su sudionici projekta iz Gimnazije Vukovar izradili Knjižnicu na otvorenom – kućicu za knjige s ciljem razvoja kulture čitanja i čitalačke pismenosti kroz povećanje dostupnosti knjiga i raznovrsnih čitalačkih materijala.

    Knjižnica na otvorenom, smještena je u dvorištu škole i funkcionira po principu Posudi, čitaj, vrati ili/i doniraj knjigu pri čemu svatko može posuditi knjigu baš kao i obogatiti ju nekom svojom knjigom.

    Projekt je prepoznalo Društvo hrvatskih književnika Sisačko-moslavačke županije koje je svojom vrijednom i bogatom donacijom, Knjižnicu otvorilo za javnost. Književnici Siniša Matasović, Sanja Domenuš, Denis Vidović i  Željko Maljevac svojom posjetom i donacijom knjiga otvorili su nove  prostore za nove suradnje u promicanju sklonosti prema čitanju.

    Donacijama su se pridružili akademik, hrvatski književnik, književni teoretičar, prevoditelj, scenarist i rođeni Vukovarac Pavao Pavličić i hrvatska književnica i sveučilišna profesorica Julijana Matanović poklonivši svoja izvanredna djela: Lađa od vode, Zašto sam vam lagala, Koraljna vrata i Večernji akt.

    Ova aktivnost osmišljena je s ciljem promicanja sklonosti prema čitanju, važnosti pisane riječi baš kao i važnosti zajedništva u društvu. Knjižnica na otvorenom upisana je u registar i na kartu malih slobodnih knjižnica Hrvatske a svi zainteresirani sugrađani pozvani su zaviriti u novootvorenu Knjižnicu i pronaći sadržaje koji ih zanimaju! 

    Iako ne trebamo čekati posebne dane kako bismo činili dobra djela, ovakvi posebni dani i manifestacije prilika su kada možemo pokazati inicijativu i snagu zajedničkog doprinosa boljem svijetu.


    Dobra djela spajaju generacije

    Svjetski dan činjenja dobrih djela koji se obilježava 3. travnja pod okriljem organizacije „Good Deeds Day“ obilježili su i učenici Industrijske strojarske škole u Zagrebu i to u okviru međunarodnog eTwinning projekta „The green changemakers“. Nastavnice su predložile, a učenici odlučili u kojoj akciji žele sudjelovati i obilježiti ovaj važan događaj. Učenici su odabrali posjet Domu za starije Sveta Ana u Zagrebu i ujedno oduševili odabirom akcije. Razlozi posjeta ovoj važnoj instituciji razumijevanje su i suosjećajnost prema starijim osobama koje su naši učenici gradili i razvijali u svojim obiteljima.

    Nakon ljubaznog dočeka ravnateljice gđe Karoline Martinuš i voditeljice gđe Smilje Matijašević koje su nas predstavile korisnicima doma, započelo je druženje i osobno upoznavanje učenika i korisnika. Razgovore i druženje upotpunili su igranjem društvenih igara koje su učenici odlučili donirati kao i knjige koje su im obilježile djetinjstvo. Uz igre, mogle su se čuti i zanimljive priče iz mladosti i zanimljivi događaji iz života kojih se ovi srdačni i topli ljudi rado sjećaju. Osim zanimljivih priča iz prošlosti, naši učenici mogli su čuti i pokoji savjet, baš onakav kakav bi ovi vedri i dobronamjerni ljudi  uputili i svojim unucima.

    I na kraju ovog zanimljivog druženja, jedan od naših domaćina ponovio je poznatu poslovicu koja glasi: “Kad bi mladost znala što može, a starost mogla što zna”, što smo shvatili kao otvoren poziv na druženje i ostalim danima u godini. Dobra djela trebamo činiti svaki dan, dobra djela nisu nužno materijalna, dobra djela su i izdvojeno vrijeme i “uho” za slušanje baš kako su naši učenici danas to svojim primjerom i pokazali.


    Volonterizam u udruzi Jak kao Jakov

    Učenici članovi projekta The green changemakers iz Tehničke škole Karlovac volontirali su u Udruzi Jak kao Jakov. Osnovni cilj Udruge Jak kao Jakov pomoć je djeci oboljeloj i liječenoj od malignih bolesti i njihovim socijalno ugroženim obiteljima. Udruga je osnovana u spomen na Jakova Rubido, 13-godišnjeg dječaka koji je bolovao i borio se protiv teškog oblika leukemije. U dogovoru s gospođom Ivančicom Rubido, osnivačicom i voditeljicom Udruge odlučeno je da će učenici pripremiti Uskršnje čestitke koje će se, uz ostale uratke koje su stvorili volonteri, prodavati u sklopu akcije Uskrs u  srcu.

    S ciljem dobre pripreme, prvo su zabilježene ideje, načinjeni su ogledni primjerci čestitki, a potom je nabavljen potrebni materijal.

    Učenici su čestitke izrađivali u školi. Bilo je zanimljivo gledati kako učenici međusobno dijele zadatke te kako svatko od njih radi ono za što smatra da je najspretniji.

    Odlučeno je načiniti 100 čestitki u čemu su učenici i uspjeli.

    Gospođa Rubido potom je pozvala učenike i njihovu nastavnicu u Udrugu. Upoznala ih je s djelatnosti i ciljevima Udruge.

    Ujedno im je govorila o volonterizmu, o bitnosti volontiranja i činjenje dobih djela te ih je nastojala potaknuti da promisle i ovisno o svojim željama i sposobnostima postanu volonteri.

    Učenicima je posjet bio vrlo zanimljiv. Uručili su čestitke gospođi Rubido i zaželjeli joj uspješnu provedbu akcije Uskrs u srcu.




    World Day of Doing Good Deeds - Gymnasium Vukovar

    World Day of Good Deeds was launched by the international organization Good Deeds Day 16  years ago in Israel with 7,000 volunteers and today it is a global event and  a real  world event of solidarity and promotion of volunteering that is celebrated in 108 countries around the world. In Croatia, it was first marked on April 3, 2022, and associations engaged in volunteering activities, as well as citizens with individual or group volunteering activities, could be involved. As part of the international etwinning project "The green changemakers", an activity was carried out #GoodDeedsDay whereby students, young eTwinners under the guidance of their teachers, designed and implemented laudable actions encouraging a tendency towards reading, empathy, solidarity, caring for others, caring for  the environment and  the importance of community in society. The project activity is registered on the Good Deeds Day page.

    Aware of their own responsibility, the students of vukovar gymnasium in partnership with students from the Technical School Karlovac, Industrial Mechanical Engineering School Zagreb, and with the students of the anadolia school Yunus Emre from Bingola from Turkey and Karmirgyugh N1 secondary school, Karmirgyugh from Armenia, wanted to actively contribute to the celebration of the World Day of Doing The and  therefore participated in effective local actions and thus joined the drivers of global change with the aim of creating positive change in their community and in our world.

    Thus, the participants of the project from the Vukovar Gymnasium created the Open-Air Library – a book house  with the aim of developing a culture of reading and reading literacy through increasing the availability of books and various reading materials. The open-air library, located in the courtyard of the school and operates on the principle of Borrow, read, return or/and donate the book whereby the squawk can borrow the book just like enrich it with one of his books.  The project was recognized by the Society of Croatian Writers of Sisak-Moslavina County, which, with its valuable and rich donation, opened the Library to the public.  Booksellers Sinisa Matasovic, Sanja Domenuš, Denis Vidović and Željko Maljevac, with their visit and donation of books, opened new  spaces for new collaborations in promoting a penchant for reading.  The donations were joined by academician, Croatian writer, literary theorist, translator, screenwriter and vukovar native Pavao Pavličić and Croatian writer and university professor Julijana Matanović, giving away their outstanding works: The Boat of Water, Why I Lied to You, Coral Gate and The Evening Act.  This activity is designed with the aim of promoting a preference for reading, the importance of the written word just like the importance of communion in society. The open-air library  is  registered in the register and on the map of small free libraries of Croatia and all interested citizens are invited to take a peek at the newly opened Library and find the contents that  interest them! 

    Although we do not have to wait for special days to do good deeds, such special days and manifestations are an opportunity when we can demonstrate the initiative and strength of jointly contributing to a better world.


    Good deeds unite generations

    The World Day of Good Deeds, which is celebrated on April 3 under the auspices of the organization "Good Deeds Day", was also marked by the students of the Industrial Engineering School in Zagreb within the international eTwinning project "The green changemakers". The teachers suggested, and the students decided in which action they want to participate and mark this important event. The students chose to visit the Home for the Elderly Sveta Ana in Zagreb and were thrilled with the choice of action. The reasons for visiting this important institution are understanding and compassion for the elderly that our students have built and developed in their families.

    After a kind welcome from the director Mrs. Karolina Martinuš and the leader Mrs. Smilja Matijašević, who introduced us to the users of the home, the socializing and personal acquaintance of students and users began. They complemented their conversations and socializing by playing board games that the students decided to donate as well as books that marked their childhood. In addition to the games, interesting stories from his youth and interesting events from his life could be heard, which these cordial and warm people gladly remember. In addition to interesting stories from the past, our students could hear some advice, just as these cheerful and well-meaning people would give to their grandchildren.

    And at the end of this interesting gathering, one of our hosts repeated the famous proverb that reads: "If youth knew what it could, and old age could know what", which we understood as an open invitation to socialize on other days of the year. We need to do good deeds every day, good deeds are not necessarily material, good deeds are both time and "ear" for listening, just as our students today have shown by their example.


    StudentsTechnical School Karlovac volunteered in the Association Jak kao Jakov.

    Students members of the project The green changemakers from the Technical School Karlovac volunteered in the Association Jak kao Jakov. The main goal of the Jak as Jakov Association is to help children suffering from and treated for malignant diseases and their socially endangered families. The association was founded in memory of Jacob Rubido, a 13-year-old boy who suffered and struggled with severe leukemia. In agreement with Mrs. Ivančica Rubido, founder and leader of the Association, it was decided that the students will prepare Easter greeting cards which, along with other works created by volunteers, will be sold as part of the Easter in the Heart campaign.
    With the aim of good preparation, first ideas were recorded, sample copies of greeting cards were made, and then the necessary material was procured.

    The students made greeting cards at school. It was interesting to see how the students share tasks with each other and how each of them does what he thinks is most skillful.
    It was decided to make 100 greeting cards, which the students succeeded in doing.
    Ms. Rubido then invited the students and their teacher to the Association. She introduced them to the activities and goals of the Association.

    At the same time, she told them about volunteerism, the importance of volunteering and doing good deeds, and she tried to encourage them to think and, depending on their desires and abilities, become volunteers.

    The visit was very interesting for the students. They presented congratulations to Ms. Rubido and wished her a successful implementation of the Easter in the Heart campaign.


    Book donations

    Thanks for all the good work 👏👏👏

    We shared the news of our founders' wonderful act of kindness on our school website. Please click the link below to access the news.

    We also shared this beautiful act of kindness between the two countries on Twitter. This is our school's official Twitter account. please click the link below


    World Good Deeds Day was launched by the international organization Good Deeds Day 16 years ago in Israel with 7,000 volunteers. Today it is a global event and a real world manifestation of solidarity and promotion of volunteering, which is celebrated in 108 countries around the world. In order to strengthen the partnership between schools and the local community, we also marked #GoodDeedsDay.
    The students, young eTwinners under the guidance of their teachers, designed and implemented commendable actions encouraging reading, empathy, solidarity, caring for others, caring for the environment and the importance of community in society. The project activity is registered on the Good Deeds Day website.

    Since all the actions were designed under the auspices of the project, the desire was to present them as a whole. This was possible only if all actions were registered in one volunteer center. The volunteer center VolonterKA was chosen. The Center supported us and promised to report the actions. In addition to the registration of actions, the students also received commemorative T-shirts to mark the Day of Doing Good Deeds.


    Hvala svima na nesebičnom angažmanu u obilježavanju Svjetskog dana činjenja dobrih djela 

    Thank you all for your selfless engagement in marking World Good Deeds Day

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