Young people in action - join in!

  • The team of youth of the Red Cross of vukovar gymnasium, young eTwinners, as part of the project "The green changemakers" this year will mark the World Day of the Red Cross and red crescent with a special program – 08 May 2022.

    The program consists of educations and short quizzes about the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, the Croatian Red Cross, international humanitarian law and human rights, as well as demonstrations of knowledge and skills in first aid.  The Programme aims to contribute to the achievement of the 3rd Global Sustainable Development Goal – Health, with the contribution reflected in ensuring healthy living and  promoting well-being for people of all generations.  The program will be implemented throughout the week in classmates' classes and in the school area so that as many interested students as possible are able to participate in the event and the introductory video is already ready 😊

    First aid training for first aid learners is carried out with the aim of preparing as many students as possible to provide first aid in unwanted situations of injury and illness in everyday life as well as in the event of disasters. These activities aim to encourage young people to act responsibly in order to prevent accidents and injuries, contribute to the safety of the community and empower individuals and entire communities to help overcome the harmful consequences of accidents and diseases.

    Participants of the event will be able to implement the acquired knowledge and skills for their own good and the well-being of the whole society, and through socializing and shared learning, feelings of humanity, tolerance, compassion and responsibility for themselves and the community spread.  eTwinners submitted their programme for #EYY2022 to highlight together with young people across Europe the important role of young people in building a better, greener, more inclusive and more digital future.

    Through the program, the youth team wants to achieve an extremely important goal, which is to educate young people and improve the national first aid doctrine and motivate young people for safe and humanitarian action in the community.


    Mladi na djelu – pridruži se!

    Ekipa mladeži Crvenog križa Gimnazije Vukovar, mladih eTwinnerica, u sklopu projekta „The green changemakers“ ove godine prigodnim programom obilježit će Svjetski dan Crvenog križa i Crvenog polumjeseca – 08. svibnja 2022.

    Program se sastoji od edukacija i kratkih kvizova o Međunarodnom pokretu Crvenog križa i Crvenog polumjeseca, Hrvatskom Crvenom križu, međunarodnom humanitarnom pravu i ljudskim pravima kao i od demonstracija znanja i vještina u pružanju prve pomoći. Programom se želi doprinijeti ostvarenju 3. globalnog cilja održivog razvoja – Zdravlje pri čemu se doprinos ogleda kroz osiguravanje zdravog života i kroz promoviranje blagostanja za ljude svih generacija. Program će se provoditi tijekom cijelog tjedna na satima razrednika i u prostoru škole kako bi što veći broj zainteresiranih učenika bio u mogućnosti sudjelovati u događanju a uvodni je video već spreman.

    Osposobljavanje učenika za pružanje prve pomoći provodi se s ciljem pripremanja što većeg broja učenika za pružanje prve pomoći u neželjenim situacijama ozljeda i bolesti u svakodnevnom životu kao i u slučaju katastrofa. Ovakvim aktivnostima želja je  potaknuti mlade na odgovorno ponašanje u cilju sprječavanja nastanka nesreća i ozljeda, doprinijeti sigurnosti zajednice i osnažiti pojedince i cijele zajednice za lakše prevladavanje štetnih posljedica nesreća i bolesti.

    Sudionici događanja moći će stečena znanja i vještine implementirati za vlastito dobro i dobrobit cjelokupnog društva a kroz druženje i zajedničko učenje širi se osjećaji humanosti, tolerancije, suosjećanja i odgovornosti za sebe i zajednicu. eTwinnerice svoj su program prijavile za #EYY2022 kako bi zajedno s mladima diljem Europe ukazale na važnu ulogu mladih u izgradnji bolje, zelenije, uključivije i digitalnije budućnosti.

    Ekipa mladeži kroz program želi ostvariti izuzetno važan cilj, a to je edukacija mladih i unapređenje nacionalne doktrine prve pomoći te motivirati mlade za sigurno i humanitarno djelovanje u zajednici.