Day 1 - 2th March 2020.
Prvi je radni dan započeo u 14 sati te smo se sve sudionice tečaja: "Happy Schools: Positive Education for Well-Being and Life-Skills -Development", okupile u učionici organizacije Europass Teacher Academy u Rambli de Catalunya 15 u centru Barcelone.
Nakon međusobnog upoznavanja i upoznavanja s našom voditeljicom Milom Petkovom, započeli smo s predstavljanjem nas osam polaznica ovog tečaja iz različitih zemalja Europe: Grčke, Hrvatske, Poljske i Švedske (nisu došle kolegice iz Italije zbog ozbiljne situacije s koronavirusom u njihovoj zemlji).
Svaka je od nas predstavila sebe, svoj rad te školu, grad i zemlju iz koje dolazi, a voditeljica Mila željela nas je na samom početku upoznati i sa samim gradom Barcelona, glavnim gradom autonomne pokrajine Katalonija. Upoznala nas je s najpoznatijim znamenitostima, ali i s običajima te tradicionalnom gastronomskom ponudom u gradu.
U uvodnom predavanju saznali smo što će biti sadržaj rada tijekom ovog tečaja, a nakon međusobnog razgovora o obrazovnim sustavima u našim zemljama, sličnostima i različitostima, primjerima dobre prakse u nastavi, dotaknule smo se teme koja nas sve zaokuplja, a to je motiviranje svih učenika baš zbog različitosti njihove osobnosti. Zaključile smo da nam je cilj zajednički - happy schools za sve učenike!
The first day started at 2 pm and all the participants of the course "Happy Schools: Positive Education for Well-Being and Life-Skills-Development" gathered in the classroom of the Europass Teacher Academy in Rambla de Catalunya 15 in the center of Barcelona.
After getting to know each other and our host Mila Petkov, the eight of us from different countries in Europe: Greece, Croatia, Poland and Sweden (colleagues from Italy did not come because of the serious coronavirus situation in their country) started presenting.
Each of us introduced ourselves, our work, the school, the city and the country from which we came. Our host Mila wanted to introduce us to the city of Barcelona, the capital of the autonomous province of Catalonia. She introduced us to the most famous sights, but also customs and traditional cuisine in the city.
In the introductory lecture, we learned about the content of the course. After talking to each other about the education systems in our countries, similarities and differences, examples of good practice in teaching, we touched upon a topic that captivates us all: motivating all students exactly because of the diversity of their personality. We concluded that our goal is common - happy schools for all students!