Day 3 - 17th August 2021.
Nakon svakodnevne jutarnje rutine, plivanja i pjevanja, slijedi aktivnost opuštanja u krugu. Povezujemo se kroz masiranje osobe ispred nas, dok osoba iza masira nas. U aktivnosti je važno spomenuti što nam odgovara kako bismo izvukli najbolje iz masaže i stekli povjerenje u partnera.
Aktivnost završava podjelom u skupine i odlaskom do obližnjeg jezera gdje nas čekaju stvari spremne za novu avanturu - kanu i gondola. Nakon kratke demonstracije, ulazimo u te malene čamce i veslamo kroz jezero do zabačenog odmorišta na kojem imamo predavanje o važnosti učenja na otvorenom.
Pri povratku odrađujemo refleksiju zvanu 3 + Δ (delta). U refleksiji, koja nam od tog dana postaje rutinska, imamo zadatak podijeliti 3 pozitivne stvari koje su nam se dan ranije dogodile, dok je Δ trenutak koji nas je posebno dojmio, "A-HA" trenutak koji nosimo sa sobom kući i u učionicu. Refleksija svakim danom postaje lakša jer slušamo jedni druge, nadopunjavamo i bodrimo.
Dan završava predavanjem profesora Busea sa Sveučilišta u Linköpingu kojemu je jedan od kolegija "Nastava na otvorenom".
After the daily morning routine, swimming and singing, there is a relaxation activity in the circle. We connect through massaging the person in front of us, while the person behind massages us. In the activity, it is important to mention what suits us in order to get the best out of the massage and gain trust in the partner.
The activity ends with the division into groups and going to the nearby lake where things are waiting for us ready for a new adventure - canoe and gondola. After a short demonstration, we get into those little boats and paddle across the lake to a secluded rest area where we have a lecture on the importance of outdoor learning.
On the way back, we do a reflection called 3 +Δ (delta). In the reflection, which has become routine since that day, we have the task to share 3 positive things that happened to us the day before, while Δ is the moment that particularly impressed us, its the "A-HA" moment we take home and to the classroom. Reflection becomes easier every day because we listen to each other, complement and encourage each other.
The day ends with a lecture by Professor Buse from the University of Linköping, where one of the course is "Outdoor Teaching".