Day 1 - 28th March 2022.
Na tečaju je bilo prisutno osam sudionika iz nekoliko europskih zemalja: Italije, Latvije, Poljske i Hrvatske (dvoje učitelja iz Latvije, dvoje iz Poljske, troje iz Italije i ja kao predstavnik Hrvatske). Budući da smo došli iz različitih sredina i škola, prvi zadatak nam je bio predstaviti sebe, školu iz koje dolazimo, obrazovni sustav naše zemlje i škole općenito te ostale zanimljivosti koje smo smatrali važnima o svojoj zemlji, običajima, kulturi. Predavačica nam je predstavila program rada za sljedeće dane koji će trajati svaki dan od 9:00 do 14:00h.
Plan tečaja je da se upoznamo s različitim kompletima za programiranje te robotima koji u njima dolaze, senzorima i likovima koji se mogu koristiti u STEM predmetima.
Danas smo se upoznali s BeeBot-om, BootZees i Pandabotom koji su inače namijenjeni za učenike uzrasta 4+. Podijelili smo se u tri grupe te je svaka skupina učitelja istražila mogućnosti svakog uređaja (od sastavljanja, senzora, mogućnostima samog uređaja, sučelja aplikacije na tablet uređaju…). Vrijeme nam je proletjelo jer svaki uređaj koji smo koristili ima nebojene mogućnosti primjene u informatici, ali i u ostalim predmetima različitih uzrasta.
Domaćini tečaja su nam u poslijepodnevnim satima organizirali obilazak centra Malage (od najveće ulice ovog dijela grada Calle M de Larios, trg Plaza de la Constitucion, prolazak oko najznačajnijih muzeja poput Picassovog rodnog doma pa do malagske luke i plaže Malagueta).
The course was attended by eight participants from several European countries: Italy, Latvia, Poland and Croatia (two teachers from Latvia, two from Poland, three from Italy and I as a representative of Croatia). Since we came from different backgrounds and schools, our first task was to present ourselves, the school we come from, the educational system of our country and schools in general and other interesting things that we considered important about our country, customs, culture. The lecturer presented the work program for the next days, which will last every day from 9:00 to 14:00.
The course plan is to get acquainted with the various programming kits and robots that come in them, sensors and characters that can be used in STEM subjects.
Today we got acquainted with BeeBot, BootZees and Pandabot which are otherwise intended for students aged 4+. We were divided into three groups and each group of teachers explored the capabilities of each device (from assembly, sensor, capabilities of the device itself, the application interface on the tablet…). Time has flown by because every device we used has unpainted possibilities of application in informatics, but also in other subjects of different ages.
In the afternoon, the hosts organized a tour of the center of Malaga (from the largest street in this part of the city Calle M de Larios, Plaza de la Constitucion, passing around the most important museums such as Picasso's birthplace to the port of Malaga and Malagueta beach).