Day 10 - 18th March 2020.

  • 10. dan - 18. ožujka 2020.

    Upoznali smo koncept učenja temeljenog na pitanjima učenika (Enquire – Based Learning - EBL):

    a) na zadani sadržaj (npr. sliku) učenik u tri kolone upisuje što vidi, što misli i čemu se u sadržaju čudi; raspravlja o tome s učiteljem ili s drugim učenikom/učenicima; učitelj je podrška, a pitanja i odgovore daju učenici;

    b) u dvije kolone učenici odgovaraju na zadano pitanje (npr. što će se dogoditi s vodom na Zemlji, a što u svemiru?).

    Temelj EBL učenja su pitanja i to pitanja koja potiču razmišljanje prema Blo om-ovoj taksonomiji.

    Pročitali smo priču a Asclepiusu, grčkom bogu medicine i vježbali postavljati pitanja po Bloom-ovoj taksonomiji.

    Radni dan smo završili društvenom igrom koja nam je poslužila da ponovimo naučeno proteklih dana, a može se koristiti i za ispitivanje nastavnog gradiva.






    Day 10 - 18th March 2020.

    We learned about the concept of Enquire Based Learning (EBL):
    a) on a given content (e.g. picture) a student in three columns write down what he / she sees, what he / she thinks and what he / she is surprised about in the content; discuss this with the teacher or another student / students; the teacher is supportive and the questions and answers are provided by the students;
    b) in two columns students answer the question asked (e.g., what will happen to water on Earth and what in space?).

    The cornerstones of EBL learning are questions that stimulate thinking according to Bloom's taxonomy.

    We read the story to Asclepius, the Greek god of medicine, and practiced asking questions according to Bloom's taxonomy.

    We ended the day with a social game that served to replicate what we learned in the past days, and can also be used to test course materials.