- Dan - 9. ožujka 2020.
Prvi radni dan započeo je „ledolomcem“ – međusobnim predstavljanjem polaznika tečaja imenom i objašnjenjem porijekla imena, čime je
stvorena ugodna atmosfera.
U uvodnoj aktivnosti „4 trga“ svatko je definirao: u čemu je dobar, u čemu se želi razvijati, što ne zna i što očekuje od tečaja.
Uslijedili su vezani netipični zadaci za provjeru razine vlastitog kreativnog razmišljanja: Kako staviti žirafu u hladnjak?, Kako staviti slona u hladnjak?, Koja životinja jedina nije došla na konferenciju koju je sazvao kralj lavova?, Kako prijeći rijeku punu krokodila?.
U nastavku smo domišljali 10 načina za upotrebu spajalice za papir.
Uz raspravu o rješenjima zadataka, upoznali smo teorijski koncept kreativnosti i vrste kreativnosti: umjetničku, znanstvenu i tehnološku te hibridnu kreativnost.
Među faktorima koji utječu na kreativnost raspravili smo konvergentno vs. divergentno mišljenje, faktore okoline, tehnološku revoluciju, refleksivno mišljenje i evaluaciju ideja.
Nakon dinamične diskusije, prvi radni dan završio je zajedničkim ručkom – tradicionalnim turskim jelom „menemen“ i prvom šetnjom malim napučenim ulicama Kadikoya.
Day 1 - 9th March 2020.
The first working day began with the activity “Icebreaker” - introducing the course participants to each other by name and explaining the origin of the name, thus creating a comfortable atmosphere.
In the introductory activity of "4 Square" everyone defined: what is she good at, what she wants to develop, what does not she know and what she expects from the course.
Related atypical tasks followed to check the level of one's creative thinking: How to put a giraffe in the refrigerator?, How to put an elephant in the refrigerator?, Which animal alone did not attend a conference summoned by the Lion King?, How to cross a river full of crocodiles? How do we manage it? We have come up with 10 ways to use a paper clip.
In addition to discussing solutions to problems, we introduced the theoretical concept of creativity and types of creativity: artistic, scientific, technological and hybrid creativity. Among the factors that influence creativity we discussed convergent vs. divergent thinking, environmental factors, technological revolution, reflective thinking and evaluation of ideas.
After a dynamic discussion, the first working day ended with a joint lunch - a traditional Turkish dish "menemen" - and the first stroll through the small crowded streets of Kadikoy.