Day 5 - 13th March 2020.

  • 5. dan- 13. ožujka 2020.

    Tema današnje edukacije je bila razvijanje produktivnog razgovora među učenicima na osnovu kritičkog mišljenja.

    U produktivnom razgovoru učenici koriste pitanja za rasprave što ih potiče da aktivno govore, aktivno slušaju i nadograđuju ideje drugih:

    • Možeš li reći nešto više o tome?, Što time misliš?, Možeš li dati primjer?,
    • Ako sam dobro razumio, rekao si..,. Tko može ponoviti što je X rekao? (učenici pažljivo slušaju jedni druge),
    • Zašto tako misliš?, Što je dokaz za to?, Kako si došao do tog zaključka? (učenici produbljuju svoje razumijevanje),
    • Je li to uvijek tako (funkcionira)?, Kako se ova ideja sleže s njegovim primjerom? (izazovi),
    • Želi li netko odgovoriti na ovu ideju?, Tko može objasniti što X misli kad to kaže?, Što misliš zašto je to rekao? (objašnjavanje što netko drugi misli).


    Pogledali smo video i raspravljali o Montessori metodi kao pristupu učenju koji naglašava individualnost, aktivno učenje, nezavisnost, suradnju i učenje u skladu s djetetovom dinamikom razvoja.


    Radni dan smo završili primjerom produktivnog razgovora. 


    Day 5 - 13th March 2020.

    The topic of today's education was to develop productive conversation among students based on critical thinking.

    In productive conversation, students use discussion questions, which encourages them to actively speak, actively listen, and build on each others’ ideas :

    - Can you say more about that?, What do you mean by that?, Can you give an example?,

    - Let me see if I understand what you are saying:___, Who can repeat or rephrase that? (students listen carefully to one another)

    - Why do you think that?, What is your evidence?, How did you arrive at that conclusion? (students deepen their reasoning)

    - Does it always work that way?, How does that idea square with his example? (challenge),

    - Does anyone want to respond to that idea?, Who can explain what X means when he says that?, Why do you think he said that? (explaining what someone else means).


    We looked at the video and discussed the Montessori method as a learning approach that emphasizes individuality, active learning, independence, collaboration and learning in accordance with the child's developmental dynamics.

    We ended the day with a example of productive conversation.