Day 3

  • Main topics for the third day were: Playing with the Voice; Staying in the Stage; The Art of Improvisation.

    The participants were involwed in 9 activites: Breathing in 4 Steps; The Pi-Pi-Pi Olympic Games; The Equilibrists; The Crazy Radio; From 1 to 7; Guess if she likes you; Guess who moved; The Professional Dancers; The 4 Chairs.

    The day was really interesting.

    Glavne teme trećeg dana bile su: Igranje glasom; Boravak na pozornici; Umijeće improvizacije.

    Sudionici su bili uključeni u 9 aktivnosti: Disanje u 4 koraka; Olimpijske igre Pi-Pi-Pi; Ekvilibristi; Ludi radio; Od 1 do 7; Pogodi da li joj se sviđaš; Pogodi tko se preselio; Profesionalni plesači; 4 stolice.

    Dan je bio zaista zanimljiv.