"Coding & Robotics in Education" in Malaga, Spain from 28th March to 1st April 2022.
Zovem se Danijel Forjan, učitelj sam i mentor iz informatike u OŠ Pantovčak. Odabrao sam tečaj “Coding & Robotics in Education” u Malagi iz razloga što sam htio saznati više o programiranju s različitim robotskim sustavima koji postoje na tržištu te isprobati raznovrsne komplete za programiranje koji se mogu koristiti ne samo informatici nego i u ostalim STEM predmetima. Često prilikom narudžbe pojedinih kompleta nemamo priliku isprobati dijelove te vidjeti jesu li roboti pogodni za uzrast s kojima želimo raditi. Htio sam da mi ovaj tečaj pomogne u odabiru i toj odluci.
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My name is Danijel Forjan, I am a teacher and mentor in computer science at the Pantovčak Elementary School. I chose the course "Coding & Robotics in Education" in Malaga because I wanted to learn more about programming with different robotic systems that exist on the market and try a variety of programming kits that can be used not only in computer science but in other STEM subjects. Often when ordering individual kits we do not have the opportunity to try out the parts and see if the robots are suitable for the age we want to work with. I wanted this course to help me choose and make that decision.