Day 2 - 27th March 2022.
Drugi dan tečaja je bio na terenu.
Zadatke koje su polaznici dobili dan ranije bili su vezani za obilazak srednjovjekonog dvorca u Limassolu. Promotriti dvorac izvana i zaključiti zašto ima takav oblik, koliko dobro je utvrda bila spremna na obranu od napadača, pronaći top i zaključiti kako je radio i zašto je postavljen na tome mjestu. U dvorcu je trebalo pronaći mjesto koje je obilježeno vjenčanjem. Pronaći arheološke dokaze o obnovi dvorca u različitim umjetničkim stilovima. U prizemlju dvorca se nalaze nadgrobni spomenici, zadatak je bio zaključiti kome su pripadali. Nactrati jedan komad srednjovjekovnog posuđa koje je izloženo u podrumu utvrde.
Zaključiti kakva je bila rasvjeta u utvrdi na temelju istraživanja soba prvog kata. Nacrtati predmet koji je služio u religiozne svrhe, ratne svrhe i u svakodnevici. Navesti koje prednosti u obrani su vidljive na krovu dvorca.
Nastavak aktivnost drugog dana tečaja je bilo istraživanje centra grada Limassola.
Početna točka je bila Ulica sv. Andrije. U ovoj aktivnosti sudionici su trebali pronaći i fotografitati zgradu izgrađenu za vrijeme Britanske ere. Napisati ime i adresu crkve.
U dućanu s tradicionalnim proizvodima pronaći tri tradicionalna proizvoda i zapisati ih. Dati svoje mišljenje o čistoći ulice i navesti primjere kako poboljšati stanje. Pronaći zelene površine i dati svoje mišljenje ima li ih dovoljno. Proučiti ekonomski život i navesti različita zanimanja kojima se ljudi u tom području bave. Nakon dolaska na trg napisati svoj osvrt društvenog života trga. Pronaći zgrade koje imaju detalje slične Pisaccovoj slici Slikar i model. Fotografirati grafit i reći svoje mišljenje o grafitima u centru grada. Proučiti mogućnost kretanja ljudi s posebnim potrebama i invalidima.
Sudionici su razmijenili iskustvo odrade zadanih aktivnosti te skupili podatke koje će koristiti u radu koji će prezetorati zadnji dan tečaja. Posjetili smo Mlin rogača (muzej). Time su aktivnosti drugog dana bile završene.
The second day of the course was in the field.
The tasks given to the participants the day before were related to a tour of the Medieval Castle museum in Limassol. Look at the castle from the outside and conclude why it has such a shape, how well the fort was ready to defend against attackers, find a cannon and conclude how it worked and why it was set up in that place. A place marked by a wedding was to be found in the castle. Find archaeological evidence of the restoration of the castle in different artistic styles. There are tombstones on the ground floor of the castle, the task was to conclude to whom they belonged. Draw one piece of medieval pottery on display in the basement of the fort. Conclude what the lighting was like in the fort based on a survey of the rooms on the first floor. Draw an object that served religious purposes, war purposes and in everyday life. Indicate which advantages in defense are visible on the roof of the castle.
Continuing the activity on the second day of the course was exploring the city center of Limassol.
The starting point was St. Andrew. In this activity, participants had to find and photograph a building built during the British era. Write the name and address of the church.
In the shop with traditional products find three traditional products and write them down. Give your opinion on the cleanliness of the street and give examples of how to improve the situation. Find green areas and give your opinion if there are enough of them. Study economic life and list the different occupations that people in the area pursue. After coming to the square write your review of the social life of the square. Find buildings that have details similar to Pisacco's painting Painter and Model. Take a photo of graffiti and express your opinion about graffiti in the city center. Study the possibility of movement of people with special needs and disabilities.
Participants exchanged experience of performing assigned activities and collected data that will be used in the work that will be presented on the last day of the course. We visited the Carob Mill Museum. Thus, the activities of the second day were over.