Day 2 - 16th August 2021.
Drugi dan tečaja, za one hrabrijeg duha, započinje ranojutarnjim plivanjem u jezeru. Aktivnosti započinju u "Meloni" koja ori glazbenom igrom "Dobro jutro" na svim jezicima polaznika tečaja.
Pješačimo do jezera gdje nam je zadatak da razmislimo zbog čega smo došli na ovaj tečaj i što od tog tečaja očekujemo, misli zapisujemo na papirić. Upućeni smo na kratku šetnju puteljkom i dobivamo zadatak pratiti zvuk glazbe. Glazba na dovodi u Kotu, tradicionalnu nastambu Saamija s ognjem u sredini nastambe. U nastambi smo zamoljeni da predamo svoja očekivanja od tečaja, a pjesma i vatra su taj događaj učinili posebnijim. Slijedi vrijeme za Fiku, skandinavsko vrijeme za ispijanje kave, odmor i pričanje s dragim ljudima.
Slijedi radionica izrade vlastitog privjeska, ogrlice ili narukvice od drveta i kože koja će služiti lakšem zapamćivanju svih imena polaznika. Drvo smo najprije nožićem očistili i oblikovali, nakon toga brus papirom zagladili te potom tehnikom spaljivanja drva upisali vlastito ime i ukrašavali.
Nakon ručka slijedi aktivnost "traženje blaga". Aktivnost se provodi u paru. Svaka osoba u prirodi pronađe jednu stvar o kojoj ponešto zna i svom paru opisuje vanjske karakteristike tog predmeta te za što se upotrebljava. Druga osoba pokuša taj predmet pronaći u prirodi, a kasnije zamjene uloge.
Nakon večere slijedi prvi dio zadatka koji smo trebali pripremiti prije dolaska na tečaj - Međunarodna kulturna večer - predstaviti svoju zemlju kroz igru, jelo, ples ili glazbu...
The second day of the course, for those of a braver spirit, begins with an early morning swim in the lake. Activities begin in "Melon" which is played with the musical game "Good Morning" in all languages of the course participants.
We walk to the lake where our task is to think about why we came to this course and what we expect from this course, we write down our thoughts on a piece of paper. We are instructed to take a short walk along the path and are given the task of following the sound of music. Music brought us to Kota, a traditional Saami dwelling with a fire in the middle of the dwelling. In the accommodation we were asked to surrender our expectations from the course, and the song and fire made the event more special. What follows is time for Fika, a Scandinavian time for drinking coffee, relaxing and talking to dear people.
The following is a workshop on making our own pendant, necklace or bracelet made of wood and leather, which will make it easier to remember all the names of the participants. We first cleaned and shaped the wood with a knife, then smoothed it with sandpaper and then used the wood burning technique to write our own name and decorate it.
Lunch is followed by a "treasure hunt" activity. The activity is carried out in pairs. Every person in nature finds one thing they know something about and describes to their partner the external characteristics of that object and what it is used for. The other person tries to find the object in nature and later swaps roles.
Dinner is followed by the first part of the task that we had to prepare before coming to the course - International Cultural Evening - to present your country through games, food, dance or music ...