Day 2 - 29th March 2022.

  • Day 2 - 29th March 2022.

    Drugi dan tečaja bio je namijenjen kompletima robota iz Lego sustava za učenike uzrasta 6+ i 7+ te smo se tu sada upoznali s kompletom Wedo 2.0 i Lego Spike Essentials, koji sadrže dijelove Lego kocaka, ali uz to sadrže i sve dodatne senzore kao i motore za upravljanje. Svaki od njih dolazi sa svojom aplikacijom koja u sebi sadrži upute za sastavljanje različitih kombinacija kocaka s integracijom motornih dijelova i senzora. Svaka igračka uz ove upute ožive te se uz njih lako mogu usvojiti vještine programiranja na zabavan i lak način.  

    Sastavljali smo projekte po vlastitoj želji, po nekoliko njih te je za svaki od njih bilo potrebno između 35 i 45 minuta što je za prosječni hrvatski školski sat previše, a naročito ako uzmemo u obzir da su ovi kompleti namijenjeni za šestogodišnjake. O vremenu potrebnom za sastavljanje bi se trebalo posebno pozabaviti u našem obrazovnom sustavu jer za takve aktivnosti su nam potrebne izvannastavne aktivnosti, ali i sredstva za kupnju ovakvih kompleta.  


    Potom smo se podijelili u dvije grupe te smo testirali sve mogućnosti sastavljenih uradaka, od senzora, upravljanja pokreta, svijetla, LED dioda i sl. Najviše smo vremena utrošili na programiranje koje se odvija putem šarenih blok puzzle-a (slični Scratch-u) te smo istraživali različite mogućnosti pokreta, izmjenom varijabli i sl. 

    The second day of the course was dedicated to sets of robots from the Lego system for students aged 6+ and 7+, and we are now introduced to the set of Wedo 2.0 and Lego Spike Essentials, which contain parts of Lego bricks, but also contain all additional sensors and control motors. Each of them comes with its own application that contains instructions for assembling different combinations of cubes with the integration of motor parts and sensors. Each toy comes to life with these instructions, and programming skills can be easily acquired in a fun and easy way.

    We put together projects of our choice, several of them, and each of them took between 35 and 45 minutes, which is too much for the average Croatian school hour, especially if we take into account that these kits are intended for six-year-olds. The time required for assembling should be especially addressed in our education system, because for such activities we need extracurricular activities, but also funds to purchase such kits.

    Then we divided into two groups and tested all the possibilities of assembled works, from sensors, motion control, lights, LEDs and the like. We spent the most time on programming that takes place through colorful block puzzles (similar to Scratch) and we explored different possibilities of movement, changing variables and the like.