Treći dan tečaja proveli smo na predavanju. Prva tema bila je važnost postupaka I rutina u školi. Postupci I rutine važan su dio svakodnevnog života, kako u školi tako I izvan nje. Učenici ih trebaju usvajati od samog početka svog obrazovanja, a učitelj ih treba uvoditi planski I postepeno. Osim što učitelj treba pomno planirati predstavaljanje postupaka I rutina učenicima, treba obrazložiti razloge njihova uvođenja te voditi učenike svojim primjerom. Učenici na taj način dobivaju određenu ulogu u razredu, a te uloge nose I određene odgovornosti.
Nakon toga govorili smo o uređenju učionice I rasporedu klupa te prednostima I nedostacima nekih od načina organizacije prostora u učionici. Organizacija prostora ovisi o individualnim karakteristikama razreda I obliku rada koji se primjenjuje.
Sljedeća tema odnosila se na odnos učenika I učitelja. Definirali su se određeni tipovi učitelja te se svatko mogao pronaći u nekom od tih tipova, a samim time u uvidjeti kvalitete, ali I moguće nedostatke u svom pristupu.
We spent the third day of the course at the lecture. The first topic was about the importance of procedures and routines in school. Procedures and routines are an important part of everyday life in school and outside of it. Students need to adopt them at the very beginning of their education, and teachers must introduce them planned and gradual. Except what the teacher needs to plan introduction of procedures and routines, he also needs to explain why they have certain procedure or routine and guide them with his own example. Students thus gain certain role in the class, and that role comes with some responsibilities.
After that we talked about classroom display, different types of classroom setup and the advantages and disadvantages of certain spatial organization of classrooms. Spatial organization of the classroom depends on individual characteristics of the class and form of work applied.
Next topic was about teacher-student relationship. We defined different types of teachers and everyone could find themselves in some type, and by that realize qualities and flaws of his approach.