Tečaj: Dramske tehnike
Ime aktivnosti: Plakat pričalica
Broj sudionika: 22 učenika učenika 5. razreda
Ishodi aktivnosti: Učenici će se stvaralački izražavati prema vlastitom interesu potaknuti različitim doživljajima književnog teksta
Poveznica s kurikulumom: povezanost s odgojno-obrazovnim ishodima nastavnog predmeta Hrvatski jezik
Potreban pribor i materijal: papir, kolaž, tkanina, bojice i sl.
- nakon pročitane lektire učenici izrađuju plakat koji predstavlja jedan ik iz pročitanog književnog djela. U plakatu ostavljaju rupu kroz koju treba viriti njihovo lice. Na satu pričaju doživljaje iz pročitanog djela kroz perspektivu lika na plakatu. Nastoje utjeloviti taj lik kroz njegov govor, mimiku, gestiku, rječnik i slično.
Course: Drama Techniques
Activity name: Poster story
Number of participants: 22 5th grade students
Outcomes of the activity: Students will express themselves creatively according to their own interest, encouraged by different experiences of the literary text
Link with the curriculum: connection with the educational outcomes of the subject Croatian language
Necessary accessories and material: paper, collage, fabric, crayons, etc.
- After reading the textbook, students make a poster that represents one of the read literary work. They leave a hole in the poster through which their face should peek. In class, they tell experiences from the work read through the perspective of the character on the poster. They try to embody that character through his speech, facial expressions, gestures, vocabulary and the like.
Tečaj: Dramske tehnike
Ime aktivnosti: Moj originalan slatkiš
Broj sudionika: 22 učenika učenika 5. razreda
Ishodi aktivnosti: Učenici će se stvaralački izražavati prema vlastitom interesu potaknuti različitim doživljajima književnog teksta
Poveznica s kurikulumom: povezanost s odgojno-obrazovnim ishodima nastavnog predmeta Hrvatski jezik, Likovni
Potreban pribor i materijal: papir, kolaž, tkanina, bojice i sl.
- nakon pročitane lektire učenici postaju inovatori i vlasnici tvornice slatkiša koja proizvodi najoriginalni slatkiš na svijetu. Sami moraju osmisliti neobične sastojke i neobično ime slatkiša te ga predstaviti na sajmu inovacija kao vrsni govornici.
Course: Drama Techniques
Activity name: My original candy
Number of participants: 22 5th grade students
Outcomes of the activity: Students will express themselves creatively according to their own interest, encouraged by different experiences of the literary text
Link with the curriculum: connection with the educational outcomes of the subject Croatian language, Art
Necessary accessories and material: paper, collage, fabric, crayons, etc.
- After reading, students become innovators and owners of a candy factory that produces the most original candy in the world. They have to come up with unusual ingredients and an unusual name for the candy themselves and present it at the innovation fair as excellent speakers.