12.7 Poland - Międzyrzecki Rejon Umocniony (Międzyrzecz Fortified Region)

  • On September 30, 2017 a group of eleven students from our school went to another trip from the Erasmus Plus project.

    Now we had a chance to visit the Międzyrzecki Rejon Umocniony (Eng. Międzyrzecz Fortification Region), but before that we went to Świebodzin to see the huge figure of Jesus Christ.

    After a few hours spent on the bus we reached the destination of our trip and each student equipped with a thick sweatshirt and a flashlight entered the underground.

    We had a very nice guide who told us a lot about the bunkers, where we spent two hours. These bunkers are 30 meters underground and stretch over 32 kilometers, out of which we had to cover about two kilometres.

    The biggest attraction for all of us was the bats! There are as many as 12 species of animals living there. We saw the biggest of them and many other smaller ones. We also had a chance to see a lying bat on the ground, which flew away after a while.

    On the walls there were various inscriptions, both Polish, English and German. In one of the halls, we could also sign, but not on the wall, but on a special tarpaulin. We were the first people to type something on it. Many other people will be able to see our "autographs" because it is a very nice memoir of our visit.

    Later, we continued to visit the tunnels, admired the next bat encounters and listened to our wonderful guide.

    After two hours we went back to the sun. We signed in the memorial book of guests and left.

    We all enjoyed our expedition, and I think that we also got interested in WW II.


    Two students - Kamil Nowaczyk and Oskar Frejda - prepared a presentation on their trip. Enjoy!


    Author - Aleksandra Płatek (Polish version), translated by Katarzyna Szymkowiak