26. Other projects

  •  Our project Culture and History without Borders: Success in Diversity, Diversity in Success is connected to other international projects:

    1) eTwinning projects:

    Experiential learning about history through photos (Primary school in Přimda, 2010/11)

    Meine und deine Heimat (Primary school in Přimda, 2010/11)

    Places worth to visiting (Primary school in Přimda, 2010/11)

    Historical chronicle (Primary school in Přimda, 2011/12)

    Christmas in our country (Primary school in Přimda, 2011/12)

    Easter Activities (Primary school in Přimda, 2011/12)

    Art puzzles (Primary school in Přimda, 2012/13)

    Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten als Märchen der anderen Art (Gimnazjum v Zespole, Mielżyn, 2013/14)

    Kunst hat keine Grenzen (Gimnazjum v Zespole, Mielżyn + TSSYAL Antakya, 2013/14)

    Cultural heritage of my country (Primary school in Přimda + ICS San Tommaso d'Aquino, 2014/15)

    Kunst ohne Grenzen (Primary school in Přimda + Gimnazjum v Zespole, Mielżyn + TSSYAL Antakya, 2014/15)

    Kulturerbe meiner Gegend ist Kulturerbe des ganzen Kontinents / Cultural heritage of my home region is cultural heritage of the whole continent (Primary school in Přimda + Gimnazjum v Zespole, Mielżyn, 2015/16)

    Intercultural Project (Primary school in Přimda, 2016/17)

    Wir bauen Brücken (Primary school in Přimda, 2016/17)

    2) Záložka do knihy (Bookmark)

    It's an cultural project between Czech and Slovak schools. Pupils create bookmarks and send them to their friends abroad. The Primary school in Přimda and the Primary school with the Kindergarden in Zubrohlava have been partners in this beautiful project since 2014.

    3) Project EDISON (Education. Drive. Internacionality. Students. Opportunity. Network)

    It's a project that connects students from different countries and different cultural backgrounds. Thanks to participating in this project, our school was visited by young people from Egypt, Georgia, Singapore, China, Iran, India, Canada and the Philippines. We've met fantastic people and we've learnt a lot about their countries, culture, history, geaography,...