Apple, banana and bell pepper



    First read the questions, then listen to the song and in the end take the quiz.

    Where are the apple seeds? 
    What are apples rich in? 
    Who won´t you need if you eat an apple a day? 
    What physicist is mentioned in the song? 
    Where do apple grow? 






    First read the questions, then listen to the song and in the end take the quiz.

    What do bananas look like? 
    What do we do before we eat bananas? 
    Do bananas have seeds? 
    When do bananas grow? 
    What are bananas rich in? 






    First read the questions, then listen to the song and in the end take the quiz.

    What is bell pepper´s other name? 
    Where did first bell peppers grow? 
    What coulors do bell peppers come? 
    Where are bell peppers added? 
    Which vitamin are bell peppers rich in?