An Italian Chef takes part in our project

  • Today, 19th December 2015 ,we were pleased to welcome Daniele Pensabene,  a chef in a restaurant in Reggio Calabria.

    He  told about his job, his approach to this job when he was very young, the different steps of his career from bread-making to cooking, from being a cook to being a head chef in a restaurant.

    He told that he works 8 hours but sometimes 12 hours a day,  he described his working typical day, his passion for his job and the way to become a cook and then a chef.

    He  appreciated our superfoods, gave some advices about some foods,  revealed some recipes including our superfoods and ........ he promised to supervise some students in cooking one of his recipes !!! GREAT !

    The students showed interest and  asked many questions, at the end of his long and educational interview , we thanked him and the students said goodbye clapping for him ! He achieved success among the guys!!