Superfoods Day in Portugal


    On April 19th we celebrated our "Superfoods Day" at the school library with students, teachers and parents. The dietitians Vera Campos, Catarina and Inês, representing Eurest Portugal, the firm responsible for our canteen meals showed us how to prepare and have healthy food for breakfast and tea. We've done group work and presented our "Breakfast Plate". We also presented our project's final e-book and then we prepared the juice/smoothie full of vitamins according to the French Team recipe: a delicious ending that made everyone happy in this afternoon!

    We will tell you how it happened...

    Step one: we invited our school mates, teachers and parents to come.

    Step two: group work - "Our Breakfast Plate"

    We brought supermarket leaflets and have made collages to create our best healthy breakfast plate. We have also shown which food we shouldn't include in our plate and these were the results:


    Step 3:We decorated the library: we used the food creations made at our school canteen.

    Step 4: The dietitians Vera Campos, Catarina Carvalho e Inês Costa have given a talk and showed us how to prepare  healthy food for breakfast and tea.


    Step 5 : We presented our Healthy Breakfast Plates and there was a debate.

    Step 6: Then we played some games.

    Step 7: We presented our final ebook 

    Step 8: We prepared the smoothie/ juice full of vitamins according to our French partners' suggestion:

    Step 9: We tasted this delicious and healthy juice/ smoothie. Yummy!




    And in May we have celebrated "Our Salad Day".

    We brought and combined different vegetables and fruit to create delicious and funny salads. We presented them in a creative way and we had the opportunity to taste some vegetables like, arugula, spinach and beetroot for the first time. Yummy, yummy!