St. Nicolas´s Day in the Czech Republic

  • St. Nicolas´s Day in the Czech Republic


    There is a tradition in our school - every year, on 5th December (this year it exceptionally was on Friday 4th :-) ), the under-graduates (aged 18/19) get dressed as St. Nicolas, devils and angels and they visit their younger schoolmates in their classrooms during the morning lessons (which the young students don´t mind as the teaching is interrupted for a few minutes and it´s fun) and give them nuts, apples and sweets. Usually the kids don´t get the treats for free - they have to sing a song or say a poem first.

    St. Nicolas Day is an old tradition in the Czech Republic and treats for nice and well-behaved children were only NUTS and APPLES in the past – both of them are superfoods!!! The naughty children used to get some black coal.

    You can read about this custom more here:







    1 What colour is St Nicolas´s beard?
    2 What does St Nicolas hold in his left hand?'
    3 What kind of nuts are there in the basket?